Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

WeeboTech's Comments

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At 4:05pm on March 10, 2014, HRH prince harry said…


it will be here in 6 or so months

I e-mailed Kim and that's my proof

At 7:38pm on November 11, 2012, Chow said…

I just sent you a little something. I hope you are doing well.

At 9:57am on October 30, 2012, Jim said…

Been trying to call you all morning, but getting nothing but a busy signal.  Holler at us when you can Rob.

At 9:13am on October 30, 2012, lava luva ~ Tiffany said…

i heard sandy hit rockaway pretty hard...hope you are okay!

At 7:58pm on October 28, 2012, Jim said…

Be safe Rob.  I will send my good karma your way.  2012 has sure sent some nasty weather your way.

At 5:24pm on March 26, 2012, Erin said…

Uh muh guh. ROB! I am speechless!!!

At 6:13pm on December 4, 2011, Astralav said…

Hallucinogen is good (especially Twisted), I think MFG is just a pale copy of Astral Projection. Nothing compare to them imho.

At 12:00am on December 4, 2011, Astralav said…

I'm in love with Astral Projection. Can't get enough of them :-)

At 12:08pm on September 3, 2011, Dana Stewart said…

I Eat Spam advised me to contact you. I am looking for a midnight century red lava lamp to buy and he said you may have one for sale. Thanks for your time.


At 7:02am on April 27, 2011, Rici Faulkner said…
Hi Weebs!!!!!  Love you.    (I'm just starrrrrrrrrriinnnnggggg at the laaaaaaavvvaaaaa....)
At 12:38am on April 19, 2011, Ford Prefect - NPNG said…

Hi Weebs!

haha, the pic. yeah. I got it from this page, i articuarly like the baked bean one  :D

At 7:29am on April 11, 2011, Harry Simmonds said…

Hi weebotech

Thank you for the warm welcome. We thought it would be a great way to discuss future ideas and any problems with products with the people who new them the best.

Do let me know if you ever have any queries or just fancy a chat.


At 1:47am on March 3, 2011, Spencer Wilton said…
Thanks , will do :0
At 9:34am on February 24, 2011, Rici Faulkner said…
At 6:37am on February 17, 2011, Erik said…
Thank you.


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