Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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At 2:14am on April 15, 2019, Clay Allen said…

Oh yeah; I'm old and retired with too much time on my hands (Styx reference) so I'm looking for things to do.

At 11:29pm on April 14, 2019, Clay Allen said…

Hello my friend; it's been a long time!! I've had a bad run with lung cancer and my wife's unexpected death, but I hope to stick around here for a bit. Still have my lamps set up but have just started running them again. I'd like to get back into the game; I'd met so many good people here awhile ago; you included!!

At 9:38pm on September 1, 2015, kiramarie said…

hey... you around.. ???  whats up goo brother... give a girl a shout

At 10:12pm on May 24, 2015, Critter said…

Ooooh....I am being ganged up on!  LOL

At 9:37pm on May 24, 2015, LampHead said…

When you told me he suggested a crow bar I knew there had to be something better.....( now were on the thin ice together ! )  Hi Critter !! :)

At 2:05pm on May 24, 2015, Critter said…
Thin ice Jim...thin ice! LOL
At 1:45pm on May 24, 2015, Jim said…

Lamphead - great call on the feeler gauge for trying to free the Imperial globe from the lower cone. Not only did you point me in the right direction for a tool, but also pointed me to the exact store to get it. Now that's what I call service! Wish I had the feeler gauge on the last Imperial as freeing the globe is a pain in the ass. I don't care what anyone says about you, you're alright.

I've done some preliminary runs at the junction with the feeler gauge and I can get it all the way down unimpeded on the majority of the globe circumference. There are a few areas that will require some work, but the feeler gauge beats to hell any suggestions that numbskull Critter gave me. He may think he knows lava lamps, but he ain't no Lamphead.

At 3:28pm on May 5, 2014, LotsofLava said…

I like your profile pic... All those lamps look great together on that wall!

At 6:49pm on January 16, 2013, MattMJB0188 said…

Hey LampHead,

Sent ya a PM!!!

At 11:30pm on October 27, 2012, dwc said…

'mam o mam '

i went to that store they were all out that 75 w bulb

At 3:14am on September 7, 2012, Metallica Man Trevor said…

That's the other one I was talking about
At 10:26am on August 11, 2012, Jen said…

Thank you! All is good!

At 1:50pm on October 5, 2011, kiramarie said…

flipped the coil... and then i let it cool again as it caused a bit of goo chaos in bottle.. actually took a few times to get it to flip... I just turned it back on about 15 min ago..

The seller got will me and actually made well with me... good cause a would be sniper ran my winning bid thru the roof last night on a Fantasia.. lol

At 9:34am on August 2, 2011, Dr. WHAT?! said…
Jimmy whats with the electric doo-hickies on your photo gallery? I must know! :P
At 12:12pm on January 1, 2011, WeeboTech said…
Happy New Head 2011 !!!


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