Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Left to right: Vandor Rolling Stones 52oz w/Clear and Red Lava, Mini USB Glitter 4oz, Grande 250oz w/Clear and Red Lava, 20oz w/Purple and Mellow Yellow Lava...

Views: 83

Comment by Carol on October 4, 2014 at 9:04pm

Rick, somehow I missed this vid!!  You're getting some pretty awesome flow off of that grande!!!  I luv the color!!  They all compliment each other very well!!!

Comment by Rick Gillespie on October 4, 2014 at 11:48pm

Thanks Carol. That was before I got my new ones. I love my Grande. It's deep red in person. It looks pink in pictures and videos. 

Comment by Carol on October 5, 2014 at 8:52pm

It's so hard to capture some of these lamps true colors on camera!!!  I have to wait until daylight to use natural light, then I shut down my lamps and quickly snap shots.  I found that's the only way I can get true color on some of mine.

Comment by Rick Gillespie on October 6, 2014 at 1:00am

So that's the trick. Turn 'em off. Thanks Carol. I'm supposed to get my Starship 2 today. I'll try that. 

Comment by Carol on October 6, 2014 at 11:12am

yea, but one has to really get um flowing good, then quickly, right after you hit that off button, capture them because the flow stops pretty quickly on these guys!!!!  I found natural lighting is the best for certain colors.  The pinks and the reds are hard to capture.  The darker colors are a little easier.  I still have problems at night with my violet though.  Erin sent me pics of her cranberry lamp I will be getting and it's color is awesome!!!  It looks really yummy on the pics....I don't know how she does it, but I do believe she has one of those cameras that you can fiddle with......her pics of her lamps are really amazing IMO.......mine always come out like crap, although I'm not good at photography no matter how ya slice it let alone lava lamps!!!!!


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