Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Says my Husband... They are to bulky and you have to many!.
I have 12 lamps in total and a few bottles.
so that's it no more collecting from me :(

Good news for lamp bidders. less bidding competition now... i got nagged at for biding on a few crestworths. haven't won them.

so it will be from now on just looking no touching..aka no spending money.

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he is a difficult man, he is a man of non materials & clutter.
he loves the lamps in what they do and the way that each lamp as its own behaviour at the start, he just don't like me filling up the flat with more collections. i also collect video games consoles and games and video game merchandise" Plush dolls/Figures"
He is a karate man, he says that karate is essential like skills and educational and it don't take up room in the flat.....

but will be in trouble i have recently won a magic purple jet
the flat has a loft. we live in a 2 bed flat.
I know it is a pain Bianca trying to find room to store them all !
even bottles is a problem with him, he wasn't happy when i purchased the white/white and LTD blue/red
Totally agree.
My girlfriend is not to keen but as you say life is too short and you have to enjoy it. She has stuff that I'm not so keen on also, so it's a bit of give and take.
yeah, I have so many lava lamps i wouldn't give up. Have a break for now and start collecting them later. I always keep a look out for mathmos new lamps as you never know when they are discontined.
well i dont have my mum local enough for using her home as storage..LOL. as for the shelves i can put up more but the down side is we live in a new build.new build equals plasterboard city. we use the proper plaster board screws and plugs. and the shelves only can take figures and not stuff heavy as a lava lamps.
To "thin the herd" and appease his wishes, arrange it so that he gets to pick one lamp a year to "karate chop". Set it up on a stool and let him kick it to smithereens. That should satisfy him. :-)
Build some custom shelfs, these are built on a drywall "wall" which I believe is what your calling plasterboard. Hit the studs with the screws and your fine. I actually climbed up my shelfs like a ladder and its as solid as steel.

When done load them up with lamps...

i get my cheep 99p win lamp..LOL. but i wouldn't want glass and wax every were .
Thanks for all your shelving tips :)

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