Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I want the members of this group to be the first to know that Magma Tower is developing a universal solution to incandescent bulbs. We have a kit that you will be able to use to transfer almost any kind of water motion lamp into an LED lamp. We have been running 3 different 250 ounce lamps with the technology for a few months and they work great and consume a lot less energy.

Feel free to ask questions but note I will not be able to answer all questions in detail until we are closer to the release date. Which has yet to be decided.

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Just make sure the solution allows the user to swap out the led portion of the "solution" just in case it dies out. It does happen. Can't wait to see what's on the horizon. Would be nice to ditch the antiquated bulbs of yester year. Feels like I am using vacuum tubes. Lol.
"universal solution " so you telling me that this will work on all my old lava lite lamps??
ok i just got to thinking does this mean that your new 'solution" will be heating up the wax so the lamp will work without a old fashion soon to be extinct bulb? If so please tell me you guys have a stock ( like in the stock market ) I would so buy several shares cause you guys are going to be RICH !!
Yes, we are getting rid of the standard bulbs being used and switching it all to LED. It will be compatible with almost any lamp.

I will keep you posted on if we go public and start selling shares.

There are 2 options in this matter -

1 - A metal coil that converts electric to heat (blow drier but not so hot)
2 - A ceramic alternative that also converts electric to heat.

The ceramic is more efficient and safer. They are used in the plug in smell good things you see on tv. Glade, plug it in plug it in - things. They would be cheap to make and easy to retrofit.. Would be like screwing in a light bulb.

Logic tells me it's one or the other because the light has to be in the middle for proper illuminations :)
Keep us posted. I would certainly buy.



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