Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Well long story short, we have a Shepard, Husky mix that is pushing 15 years old. The past year and a half, we have been fighting a cancerous growth on his left side (inside of him). It's weird because there was never a problem before then. Anyways, it grew and grew at a very scary rate. Doubling in size in only a couple of weeks. We opted for surgery. The tumor weighed about 4lbs. Surgery complete, he was stitched up and sent home. The dog managed to lick loose his stitches, opening his side. Emergency room visit! After that, the stitches came loose and again - a vet visit. Finally after a month or so he was healed. We thought it was over.

It was not. The tumor started growing again. Faster and quicker this time. In only two months, it was the size it had become the first time. This time, an operation would be much more complex due to it's location and size. It is right behind his left front leg - near his arm pit on his side. If anyone has a dog, you know their "elbow" hits this area in normal every day use. So, we did the surgery again. Everything went fairly well - much better than previous. This time, we left him in the hospital for a week to have supervision and to heal. It helped a lot. He was back on the road to recovery.

So we thought. Again, the tumor is back and bigger than any previous time. Imagine putting a 5lb bag of sugar in the side of your dog - but slightly bigger. Yeah, that big. It only took a month and a half. We have spent over $7,000.00 dollars in surgeries and the like. Even if we did another, it would come back which we knew the risks. We wanted to give him a fighting chance you know? He is having trouble walking because of his arthritis. We can also see the pressure taking it's toll on his side because one of his eyes is a bit "bigger" than the other along with is left leg.

It's just hard. He has so much life in him but he is old. We are truly hoping he goes in his sleep in the next couple of months. That would be very ideal. I really pray it happens that way. All our animals live good lives. They get the best foods, the best care and the best love. Buddy has had a great life and I think he knows that. I have somewhat come to terms with this, but it still kills me just writing this. Problem is, what if he doesn't go in his sleep?

When do you make the call? When do you call it done?


You can see how it started, the bulge on his side opened up. It was stitched up but those were licked out and he was stapled shut. I did not take pictures of the second surgery.

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Poor furbaby! I'm sorry to say, but it may be time to say goodbye to the beloved furfriend. The suffering you all have endured, I'd say it's time.
I'm sorry Kris. Hit me up if you wanna talk some more.
Thanks all for the condolences. I think it will have to be done soon. Like coolsox says, you keep giving it another week and so on, not fair. Plus we just noticed it's starting to tear/break open in a spot. Yeah, it's not fair. It's just really hard. One day you have something you love, then the next day it's gone. Not sure which is harder, making the decision or loosing a long time friend.
Hi Kris,

Im sorry for the pain you are feeling but you have done all you can to help. We lost our last baby (dog) to cancer (lymphoma), we did the chemo treatment and she had 2 growths removed from her neck, but then the chemo was attacking her eyes so we stopped the treatment. I was the one always willing to go one more week until my wife finally said its time, I would have never been able to make that choice even though I knew it was best.

Ask your vet if they will do a home visit for putting him to sleep, ours did and it was much better being at home for us and her. It still hurts to this day but me knowing she is running pain free makes the tough choice easy.

Hershey with her bone R.I.P.

Buddy is in a better place now. He was put to sleep an hour ago. Rest in peace my friend. I will see you again someday.
Ok.. I've just had this experience... and it sucked of course. Our Basenji was almost 16... she was great up till the last few months.. then she literally got old all at once. The final thing was she had a slight stroke and could hardly walk.. and had that look on her face of "why do I feel this way". Anyway, if you can.. find a good vet that will come to your house to do
what needs to be done. We held our dog on our lap.. and he used one injection to calm her down..(very small needle and she didn't feel it at all), then another to put her to sleep.... then the final one in a vein. We were crying of course, but Crossfire was not at all nervous, or manic... it was very calm.

makes me sad typing about it... but... a good owner does what's best for the animal!!

good luck guy.

Kris, first just let me say how much me and my wife feel for you, and applaude the care and obvious love you have for the old boy. I lost my 105 pound golden retriever, that me and my wife got shortly after we became a couple. That was 18 years ago. Through thick and thin, my boy was with us all the time, everywhere we went. He died along with his sister a month earlier, about 4 years ago. I still miss both of them tremendously. We now have 5 springers of varying ages from 6 on down to 2 years old. The guys in my avatar are the 2 year olds. They truly are just like kids to us! I wish I could give you advice on what to do, but I cannot. I think that only you and your vet can truly make that call. I only hope that you are able to cope this holiday season, and when the time does come, I'd highly recommend getting a puppy, as nothing can put a smile on your face or bring a laugh to your lips faster than an energetic youngster. If you guys ever need someone to talk to, email me and we can give you a shoulder to lean on. Take care friend. Chris and Arlene

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