Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hi guys, ive heard through the grape vine that the mathmos factory in poole are moving, anyone else heard anything

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next move will be to china
As long as they don't lose anything in the moving process!!! I emailed Mathmos a while back about bringing back the metallics and they said it would never happen because the formulas got lost in the last move! Hmmm... maybe they'll find them again this time :)))

They should at least erect a shrine on the old spot - a massive 100 foot telstar!
Over here (uk),it usually means another block of poky miserable flats, or miniature houses, with inadequate parking, rather than a shopping centre.
I sure love my little Telstar! Outstanding lamp with a great deal of personality!!! Before it's over, I'll be addind a few more to create a herd of them! Anyone have any photos of Mathmos new location?
I also have a silver glitter ball that's cloudy when cold and gradually clears as it warms up so hopefully it has a few good years left in it yet...

It's a shame they couldn't get them to stay clear as it's a great idea and they look fantastic.

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