Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Did anybody besides me see the final selling price on the wave machine?  $810.00  Whoda thunk it!?



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As he smirks and grins with joy.......yes it was a sweet piece. Did you keep one for yourself? Is that the general going rate for them these days? It's so hard to part with the pieces you cherish but hey, sometimes you gotta cut down and pay the man. LOL!!
It's good to see that something is selling these days with our twisted economy. I was never a big fan of the wave machine but you can bet I'll be on the lookout at local yard sales for them. Seems like a great money maker for anybody lucky enough to get one.
Here we are...
It's me, the crazy guy from Italy. I hope to receive it soon and justify myself the economical loss...
Hi Dr.What and hello everybody.
I've seen a couple of new wave machines popping out in ebay just after our auction.
It's a treasure bargain!
Sure, there is nothing bettere than that! :-D

And... sorry if you notice that my profile picture probably shows your dinner: I can't understand how it is possible...
Let's talk about this only when it will reach me safely... gosh. :-)
Good for you, Doc. I'm glad you got near the last going price... Sorry you had to give up a precious.
The others being sold were from our OsoLava, hope she profits as well!
I was watching this auction and was shocked when it got to $400. I guess if you want it and you have the cash.....As cool as it is, I'd dare not disclose the cost to friends/family or anyone for that matter.
Hello everybody,
sadly, this is the very last picture of this Atlantis.
It arrived to me this morning completely destroyed. Empty, with missing bottom of the cylinder, the engine basement broken.
Only the free two lamps that Doc added are not broken. It has been opened and repacked in an amazon box.
I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad.
That sucks. Were there 2 lava lamps package WITH the wave machine? I really don't understand how any arrives broken or damaged if it's packed correctly.

I know if someone bought an $800 dollar + item - it would be packed with the utmost of care and to the point of absurd.

Can anyone shed some light on this?
wow this breaks my heart to hear, no matter how it happened i very sad to see one of the great ones die.
I'm sooo sorry this happened to you both! It's so unfair that a package that valuble, was so badly mistreated by a paid courier. At least there's insurance, though it may take awhile to settle.
Doc, don't take Kris' statement personally. He's just stewed over the death of a fine machine.
Rest in Peace, beloved Atlantis.

Gravestone Generator
I love it, lol now it can die with dignity.

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