Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

What up goo heads?


Doc Lava Roc here!


I just figured out how to log in with my old addy in order to keep my ID.


It's been awhile since I dropped in (it has been a busy year).


I hope you are all well.


Bo:  I'll be starting my head soon (I have all of the components...I think.)


Vix:  Are you still my girl?  WooT


Weebs:  What can I say?


Mark:  Good work on the site.


Jonas:  How are you?


I've missed sooooo many....sorry.


Anyway, drop a how-do!



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What's up :)
Of course I'm still your girl! So, it's Chris, eh? I'd have never guess! Now I've got 2 Doc's to deal with!
Cute pooch! Welcome back Doc!
His name is "Rambo"! There is reason why! He is an evil little monster (but damn cute!)

Basically, he is a 90 pound Pit Bull trapped in a 30 pound Beagle body!

Awe, shucks......;-)
What up play-a?
Right back at you......
Funny, he looks so innocent!! LOL! Does he love to "talk?" My Dad always had hunting Beagles growing up and said they looooove to howl!
Nice to hear you dog!

Welcome back
Hey Bohdan:

My absence was not really a vacation. There were several reasons why I have not kept in touch. For starters, my wife had major spinal surgery and was out of commission for nine months, and I was her private nurse. She is fine now and without any pain (which is good), however, it was a long and expensive road to recovery ($650,000.00 in total billings.)

Also, I converted one of my trucks to run on used cooking oil, and I dedicated a lot of time to this endeavor. I got the truck, collection, and filtering systems down pat now, but there were a lot of trials and errors that I had to learn from. To date I have saved over 6 grand in fuel costs by running used vegetable oil (doesn’t stink.)

In addition to all of that, I also had to go to Florida several times last year to help out my parents who got blind sided by some serious health issues, as well as attend a funeral in Iowa of a dear friend of mine who was killed in a helicopter crash in British Columbia. He was my hunting partner that I hunted with in Newfoundland Canada as well as his personal farm out in Iowa in the fall of 08. We were scheduled to go out to Wyoming last September, but he was killed in August.

The list goes on and on. It has been an extremely busy year!

Now, to change the subject!

I will try to take photos of my lamp head conception in order to post them as so I could get some more ideas to help me finish this project. I have everything (I think) in the corner of my “man room” for over a year now, and hopefully, I can finish it this winter. I specifically purchased a red clear Giant to use as a donor, but I am not too sure about the lighting design. I also purchased a distressed pier table that will be the head’s base. The head will be recessed inside the tabletop. It should look very cool.

Well, that’s about it for now. I have to go collect oil this morning before the next wave of snow hits us.

It's good to see some of the original gang still around.

Ciao ciao for now.

Kelly: I have to ask my wife to pull the link of her youtube posting of our hound "singing" to country music in my office.

It is quite comical.

I'll get back to you on that.

Thank you

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