I'm sure somebody on this forum must have posted about this before, but the TV show <i>Mythbusters</i> did an episode on the person who died from a Lava Lamp Explosion. Verrry Interesting Stuff. Another reminder that we all need to be careful with this as well...
You onhly need to be careful if you're an idiot redneck, that lives in a trailer & thinks a lava lamp would work well on a stove!
This was posted years ago, when the incident happened. Thanks for reminding us that The Darwin Awards ( http://darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin2004-04.html ) nominees are still abundant.
Permalink Reply by Kris on February 14, 2010 at 6:37pm
It really annoys the hell out of me that the narrator does not know how to say LAVA. He keeps saying laba or something. Whatever it is, it's not LAVA. How can you screw that up?
Very true, not to speak against my fellow Lava fiends :D I dislike Mythbusters, on the basis of incorrect findings. They do not research, accurately re-create the environments, or the circumstances under which the events occured.
That's American TV for ya! ;D