Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Did anybody besides me see the final selling price on the wave machine?  $810.00  Whoda thunk it!?



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Did I get the year right? I love the Tombstone Generator!
I believe thats right
Not accusing anything. I was just typing out loud. Please excuse me.

I am sure you know what you are doing. It just amazes me how something like that can be totally and utterly obliterated after being packed so well. I would definitely be speaking my mind to the post office or whoever the carrier was. There is NO EXCUSE for that to happen. None whatsoever.

Dr. I have been there. Mostly with UPS and some with USPS mainly because the shipper doesn't know how to pack for shit. Like I said though, when everything is packed right like you did, there is NO EXCUSE for that to happen.
Oh lord. So you have to deal with USPS AND DHL? Jesus. Yeah, that's going to be fun man. I really hope they fix their screw ups. If you shipped it USPS and that's who you got the insurance from - then that's who should be fixing it. You never dealt with DHL - that's the carrier it switches over to in Europe. How they managed to stay in business there is beyond me. Lol. Anyways - start with USPS. That's who you paid.

Not sure I would worry about the pound. Might have been a minor miscalculation. USPS might have rounded up, DHL rounded down. Whatever.

I hope it works out for both of you. My apologies for the post - it was not meant to be a jab at you - just came out wrong :)

Good luck man!
Oh wow. This sounds like it's going to get tricky. At least the buyer seems like he is very easy to deal with.

Just an FYI - USPS does 1 of 2 things when it comes to insurance claims. They either repair it. You have the item fixed and show them proof of cost to get it fixed and they cover that cost up to what you purchased for insurance. Or, you relinquish the damaged product to them and they pay out the insurance. I hope it works out that you don't need the item, but I have a feeling they are going to want it in hand before they do anything.

This has been my experience.

Was the package insured through DHL? This is tricky not knowing who damaged it :( - Sadly, I am willing to bet it was DHL.
Hi OOltzee:

So sorry to hear about your loss. I know you were waiting with anticipation for its arrival. I think we have all had similar experiences with lava and other things that arrive broken. I never dreamed that my opening this forum would have the outcome that it did. Best wishes and here's hoping you recover mentally and financially from the losses you have incurred. Always remember this.......if you have your health you have all you need to start getting any other thing in life that you may desire!
"opening this forum " LOL, I think you meant Thread, but the sentiment is still felt. It's amazing how this discussion has pulled this community together. Sadly, though...
I'd go to the USPS office and make them EAT IT! Lol. Stand there while they chew every single last bit of the mess. But hey, that's just me :)
Thank you all guys,
I agree with all of your comments. It's a big loss, not only for the price I paid for but especially because I can't go outside, find a mall and buy another one. It was a really beautyfull thing, something "different" that belongs to a different time. Something I was looking for a long time. In my first ebay message to Doc I wrote him that when I was a child I used to spend hours in front of a shop (close to the Dome of Milan) showing a wave machine. But it was too expensive for a 6 year child. So, now I'm 40 and I decided to find one any price anywhere.
Today I was very excited, I checked the DHL tracking and I found it in Milan. I bought a 110-220 adapter. But when I saw the box I understood immediately that something went wrong. The box too small, too light. And you know how the story ended.
Yes, Doc, you're right: you told me about the risk about an international shipping and now we miss it.
But we have now an incredible story, we have this fantastic thread (full of humanity?) and a lot of new friends.
Tomorrow I'll send Doc some pictures (and i'll post them here too) to begin our long way for the insurance (Thank you for your help!)

So, do you really want to see the pictures? It's not for children...
Doc, don't be too upset. It's the same I'm telling myself.
You did the best, I did my best. This is a new starting point.
If you need the wave i can send it back to you. It's very light and it doesn't need an insurance...
And if someone has a wave to donate (or sell)... please let me know. The hunt is back.
Damnit! This is kinda heart breaking. Anyone have a wave to sell this poor guy? Anyone? Someone out there has to have one they can part with! Imagine the Karma you get!!!
Of course it's a thread! SILLY ME! You can't imagine the question marks in my mind when I opened my email today seeing the flood of posts to it. I originally thought that maybe the Goo computer had sent out a bunch of replies that were just late getting to me. Imagine the shock when I read what was going on here. What a complete shame that the shippers involved would try to cover up the mess they made just to get a busted package to it's final destination. Surely, the person that did the repackaging knew what was happening. They should lose their job for such a stunt.

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