Help I really need saving from the dreaded lava lamp obsession!!! It's cost me a bomb this weekend in lamps. Now I've gone and bought another one on ebay just now, with another one that I want to bid on tonight. I really need some serious help to stop this now, it's getting silly.
I know I'm surrounded by fellow goo heads on here, but surely it isn't normal to buy five lamps in one weekend................:)
Awww Susan, I've bought ten at a time off of eBay, back in the beginning of my collection. I don't think I'm the right one to talk to, LOL. I can say, in my experience, that once I got the majority of my collection, the obsession dwindled for nearly 3 years. Till I discovered my Wizards....
*I'm* the wrong person to ask, as I have four on the way this week and am currently basking in the glow of my vanilla/clear YELLOW SUBMARINE lamp that I got for a song!
I didn't realize the lamps for these were 52 oz...were the Yellow Sub lamps considered icon series or something else?
Not really an icon series. Vandor produced alot of commercial pieces with LW, Marvel, DC, multiple music icons... Is your beauty a faded Blue/White? I'm asking cause that's what they came with. But congrats on the snatch, well done!
I am saying to myself NO isn't working though. I'm building a collection of replacement bottles for my astrobabies. Only problem is, to get the different colours for those lamps I'm having to buy loads of full lamps.....hehe.................
I just told Hubby that there's a parcel on the way...................various words were used but they included "what another lava lamp is it" Told him it was for him as I think it is a magic purple one. I said "it's for you, you wanted a blue one, well, I've got you a blue one. Only it's special as it's blue water and blue wax while it's cold then blue water and purple wax when hot....."