Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Since coming out of the dark ages. I'm on a cell phone and not getting a good signal where I'm staying. So I'm sure I seem a little lazy with my questions versus just searching for the answer. Heading back home after the first.

The lamp I'm looking to buy is I've been told about ten years old. Has a shotgun shell shaped base and looks like a bullet or rocket. It says Victory Land Enterprise co when the barcode was scanned. I'll try and find out more when I get home.

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No luck finding any information on it or if its worth having. I'm getting It cheap and figure maybe I can restore it. Can't wait to get back to my computer.
I'll post one soon as I get back to my computer. I've been on my phone reading as much as I can and typing here. I have a cell phone picture but know of no way to post it.

Go to your "my page" settings and select profile.  at the bottom should be an email address that lets you send pictures to your profile.  I'm not sure if the following link will work for you or not, but you can try it:


David Valle said:

I'll post one soon as I get back to my computer. I've been on my phone reading as much as I can and typing here. I have a cell phone picture but know of no way to post it.
Thank you so much! Picture added!
Home now. Come to find out it was made in China. I was hoping for an older US made one. No luck. Still pretty. Should be getting three more today. I know these aren't US made and more then likely will be selling all four to add to my Mathmos funds to purchase an Astro or Telstar. I'll still buy up most of anything local I come accross in hopes of finding a diamond.

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