Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello All and all.

I'm French and I have gone through the Google translator, sorry if it is a little poorly written, had just the translator.
Maybe the question was often asked on the forum, but I is to be sure. I have 3 FluidiumMathmos, and Orange will soon Fluidium found these friends. I would ask you, how is heREALLY Fluidium in color?
I have a green, yellow, White and Orange soon.
Is there still a Red and Blue??
Thank you for your response, and a thousand apologies if I made any use oftransponders on the forum!

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No Red or Blue that I know of.

I have a custom orange globe that is a darker Orange sort of a mid between Orange and Red, but that is a custom globe.

I have orange wax purple liquid box and papers :)

i have these besides the one's already mentioned


yellow/red - not sure if it's custom or not

clear/black -  not sure if it's custom or not

purple/white - not sure if it's custom or not


and another 1 or 2 that i think are rare, possibly custom


i had a clear/red, but my wife just broke it!


i was supposed to get 2 red and 2 blue customs from TOM of germany but he ripped me off and never sent them

Hello to you all! 

Thank you for your response! 
So soon I Fluidium the 4 colors, but the other two missing colors. 
I love the lava lamp, shapes and colors. After I calm down a bit question 
purchases because I have 2 Smart Astro waiting for me in March. After I go .... Maybe 
of Astro, but I like a lot Lunars. But not found in France. Who knows? May 
someday ..... 
Thank you for everything! 

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