Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

When a seller list a lamp are they mandated to tell you the condition?I bought a no12 green and I knew it was a bit foggy which maybe I can clear it up, but the base looks like he took a pliers to get the bulb out it all[ dents ]and it had a clear 40 watt in it and when we tried very gently to remove the bulb a  screw fell out then the whole socket fell over** its dented and useless.His listing said this auction is for a used but fully functional lava lamp.I would not put this base on my display shelf , {used a spare china base]Do I have grounds to make a complaint or is my fault for not looking into it better.

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Sorry not all of us have unlimited money or are pretty well  off and I still think people are mostly good even in the real world

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