Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


Any lamp is fair game now, not just the beatles and harley lamps. This thread has grown far beyond my expectations! 0.0

I really dont understand why these are always listed for ridiculous amounts. I see them all the time for $100 buy it now. I have a harley lamp and I want to sell it because I dont like it. Someone locally tried to sell me a beatles lamp for $100. Are these people nuts? Why do they all seem to list them for stupidly high prices?

Anyways I thought it would be fun to see who can find the most over priced harley davidson or beatles submarine lamp.

I am setting the bar really high.


$274.99 Buy it now.

$26.99 Shipping.

$301.98 Total

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Hmmm, I have a Grateful Dead pin badge once owned by Gerry Garcia, perhaps I should stick it on a lamp and watch the money roll in.

hhttp://cgi.ebay.com/Fantasia-Chrome-Fiber-Optic-Motion-Lamp-Eames-E... This is nice. It's a bit pricey for me though!

and 1 morehttp://cgi.ebay.com/Fiber-optic-vintage-motion-lamp-light-color-whe...I searched optic lights and there's a bunch of 'em!
I am in the process of getting a orange juice lava lamp to finish off my food theme set. - The lamp its self costs me £10 that's not too bad but considering I have to pay for postage and send the seller packaging for it as well it could be quite expensive considering its only a discontinued Chinese item.

So I reckon about £20 for a 2nd had Chinese knock off is probley a bit over priced.

I will post a picture of it when I get it (considering it doesn't get lost or broken in the post)

アンドル said:
My bad.

WeeboTech said:

アンドル said:
The seller says "I consider it to be in excellent condition".


[EDITED BY WEEBOTECH FOR PERSONAL ATTACK] I listed 4 of these globes last year, and sold them all to one buyer for $1,500. I had 4 left. I kept one for myself, and just sold the other three. Two for $300, and one for $325.  



All I ever read on here is you guys griping, and moaning about prices being too high. I don't know if it makes you feel better because you have no money, don't want to spend the money, or you don't realize that lava lamps are seen as art, collected by people who aren't just dead head stoners. If you guys spent half as much time trying to knock every lava lamp out there, regardless of quantiy, or rarity you might realize that there are rare lava lamps that are valuable, and very desirable. The Blue/White Grande is one of them. You crack jokes like: "Well mine must be worth $500 becuase it has the base, and cap Ha-Ha." What you don't get, is that it almost is. Within 1 month I sold three of those globes for no less than $300.....a piece! $900 for all three....in a month. I couldn't keep them on the shelf fast enough. I would have been rich if I bought all 75 and dumped them on ebay. Those three sales tell you that if you have a Blue/White Grande gobe alone it's worth at least $300. With the extras, even more. Put one on ebay right now, and I bet you would get at least $400 complete.    


You guys like to show listings with what you think is a way high price, but you don't ever show a thread relaying the ebay sale, and what certain lava lamps are bringing in your community of collector's. Aren't you proud of rare lamps that fetch high prices? Or are you just too pissed that you can't afford one when it comes up, and so you have to knock it? When you put down these rare models, including the few Blue/White Grandes that are out there, you're ripping on your own collection. You're calling your own lamps junk. You have a huge collection of junk. I don't get it. If you have a blue/white grande you should be very proud to have such a rare lamp. How many users on here have one? I bet it's not many. I don't know why I'm going this far, because you wouldn't get it anyway, but I made you haters eat your words last year, and just did again with 3 more sales. That's why there's buyers, and sellers. I am a seller, and an expert. You're a buyer, and you have a collection of junk. I'm making thousands on ebay, and you're collecting scrap metal, glass, plastic, and wax. If that's how you want to look at lava lamps that's fine, but you better know your stuff before you try to rope me into the same category as the century for $999.


Dr. WHAT?! said:

mine too Don!  and we have bases and caps so is our worth more?! lol I think this guy tried a few years back selling these for about the same price didn't work out too well. I even think some people here reemed him a new one about the price but whatever it's his time wasted.

Erin said:

Lookit this bad boy:

A few counter-points.

Just because you've had a sale doesn't mean these lamps are worth the high price you've charged for them. It's very likely that you've fooled someone into thinking this rare lamp is actually worth $525 - two very different things. Either way, congrats on your sale. Obviously, money is very important to you.

Here's the thing - I could afford this lamp. Money is not my issue. But most collectors (and we're all collectors) wouldn't pay this kind of money for something this. It's just not worth that price. I don't care what price rare lamps fetch - I'm not selling any. ***And just because something is rare does not mean it is desirable.*** That's the great thing about OUR collections - we collect lamps WE like, not ones deemed rare, valuable and worth $525 (according to you).


If you're a seller and an expert, then why all the anger? You've made your sales, you have your money, so why come here and complain? Seems you're on the winning end of this argument, no? What do you have to prove? I'm guessing there's a reason you're here - so what is it?


This is a light-hearted thread between friends. Go take your money and roll around in it naked. :) We're happy for you.


Travis Joles said:

I listed 4 of these globes last year, and sold them all to one buyer for $1,500. I had 4 left. I kept one for myself, and just sold the other three. Two for $300, and one for $325.  



All I ever read on here is you guys griping, and moaning about prices being too high. I don't know if it makes you feel better because you have no money, or you don't realize that lava lamps are seen as art, collected by people who aren't just dead head stoners. If you guys spent half as much time trying to knock every lava lamp out there, regardless of quantiy, or rarity you might realize that there are rare lava lamps that are valuable, and very desirable. The Blue/White Grande is one of them. You crack jokes like: "Well mine must be worth $500 becuase it has the base, and cap Ha-Ha." What you don't get, is that it almost is. Within 1 month I sold three of those globes for no less than $300.....a piece! $900 for all three....in a month. I couldn't keep them on the shelf fast enough. I would have been rich if I bought all 75 and dumped them on ebay. Those three sales tell you that if you have a Blue/White Grande gobe alone it's worth at least $300. With the extras, even more. Put one on ebay right now, and I bet you would get at least $400 complete.    


You guys like to show listings with what you think is a way high price, but you don't ever show a thread relaying the ebay sale, and what certain lava lamps are bringing in your community of collector's. Aren't you proud of rare lamps that fetch high prices? Or are you just too pissed that you can't afford one when it comes up, and so you have to knock it? When you put down these rare models, including the few Blue/White Grandes that are out there, you're ripping on your own collection. You're calling your own lamps junk. You have a huge collection of junk. I don't get it. If you have a blue/white grande you should be very proud to have such a rare lamp. How many users on here have one? I bet it's not many. I don't know why I'm going this far, because you wouldn't get it anyway, but I made you haters eat your words last year, and just did again with 3 more sales. That's why there's buyers, and sellers. I am a seller, and an expert. You're a buyer, and you have a collection of junk. I'm making thousands on ebay, and you're collecting scrap metal, glass, and wax. If that's how you want to look at lava lamps that's fine, but you better know your stuff before you try to rope me into the same category as the century for $999.



Your taking things too seriously. If you look at the first few pages you can see lots of lamps $100 over their actual value. You may see it as a whine fest, but 90% of what people have posted has been funny because the seller is asking way over the actual value. I have been collecting long enough to know that a blue/yellow grande isnt worth $161.99, or some little china egg rocket for $135. This thread is to post people fools gold, more power to you if you actually sold your stuff.

I also agree that $525 is too much got any china lava lite globe, and by your own account you only sold them for $300 each. I also saw on your account that you did sell one for $245. So does that make us right that you were asking for too much?

Anyways, this isnt meant to to start a fight between collectors. Its just a little bit of fun, so why not join in? Your obviously passionate about what you do so dont get too upset when you see your listing posted here. There are several members here that have had their own auctions posted.

Travis Joles said:

 I listed 4 of these globes last year, and sold them all to one buyer for $1,500. I had 4 left. I kept one for myself, and just sold the other three. Two for $300, and one for $325.  



All I ever read on here is you guys griping, and moaning about prices being too high. I don't know if it makes you feel better because you have no money, or you don't realize that lava lamps are seen as art, collected by people who aren't just dead head stoners. If you guys spent half as much time trying to knock every lava lamp out there, regardless of quantiy, or rarity you might realize that there are rare lava lamps that are valuable, and very desirable. The Blue/White Grande is one of them. You crack jokes like: "Well mine must be worth $500 becuase it has the base, and cap Ha-Ha." What you don't get, is that it almost is. Within 1 month I sold three of those globes for no less than $300.....a piece! $900 for all three....in a month. I couldn't keep them on the shelf fast enough. I would have been rich if I bought all 75 and dumped them on ebay. Those three sales tell you that if you have a Blue/White Grande gobe alone it's worth at least $300. With the extras, even more. Put one on ebay right now, and I bet you would get at least $400 complete.    


You guys like to show listings with what you think is a way high price, but you don't ever show a thread relaying the ebay sale, and what certain lava lamps are bringing in your community of collector's. Aren't you proud of rare lamps that fetch high prices? Or are you just too pissed that you can't afford one when it comes up, and so you have to knock it? When you put down these rare models, including the few Blue/White Grandes that are out there, you're ripping on your own collection. You're calling your own lamps junk. You have a huge collection of junk. I don't get it. If you have a blue/white grande you should be very proud to have such a rare lamp. How many users on here have one? I bet it's not many. I don't know why I'm going this far, because you wouldn't get it anyway, but I made you haters eat your words last year, and just did again with 3 more sales. That's why there's buyers, and sellers. I am a seller, and an expert. You're a buyer, and you have a collection of junk. I'm making thousands on ebay, and you're collecting scrap metal, glass, and wax. If that's how you want to look at lava lamps that's fine, but you better know your stuff before you try to rope me into the same category as the century for $999.


Dr. WHAT?! said:

mine too Don!  and we have bases and caps so is our worth more?! lol I think this guy tried a few years back selling these for about the same price didn't work out too well. I even think some people here reemed him a new one about the price but whatever it's his time wasted.

Erin said:

Lookit this bad boy:

I wasn't angry, and am not angry. I am the winner, like always. I don't have to prove it. I never do, except when I have to read bone head comments like on here. The initial comments posted about me were not light hearted. I wasn't mean back, just proving you guys wrong. Money is important to me. I use a majority of it to fund numerous charities, where I actively participate in. I've been hearing everyone on here complain about high prices since the site was started. It gets old after a while. I don't care if you do, but when I get thrown into the mix, I'll give my .02 cents just like you guys did. I collect lava lamps. I have many. I collect a lot of things. I love toys. Some are worth more than others.  


I give it to you for trying, but you're not selling me. How could you say most collectors, when 3 globes were sold in under 4 weeks? They weren't on for two years, and I had to give them away. I had to change the best offer option in my listing because I was getting nonstop offers of under $300, and I wouldn't take less. You're a small community of collector's. You probably make up 30% of the collecting population, if you're lucky. You have no merrit quoting values, and apperantly can't see the light when it's shining right in your eyes.  Again, you guys just don't get it, and that's fine. I would never sell to you, and you would never buy from me, but there are customers  that will buy from me all day long, and are more than happy to pay my asking prices. And that's all that matters to me.

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