Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Anyone else having trouble sending email to other members here?

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nah no issues here
I didn't have any troubles till I installed internet explorer 9.
ohhh 9 sort of sucks not many websites are equipped to handle 9 or it's vice-versa where 9 has issues reading older websites. I know my gf had issues earlier this week with it.
I got it figured out. I had to use the compatiablity button next to the refresh button. Compatiability button is used for older browsers.
oh nice so now the gf can use her computer and not mine :)
I know the feeling. I don't let my wife on my computer at all. That's why I got her a laptop.
lol same here but unfortunately the laptop acts up here and there so I've got to endure the bitching end of it.

Chow said:
I know the feeling. I don't let my wife on my computer at all. That's why I got her a laptop.
Have no fears Chow.  I got your email and sent a response.  :-)

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