Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I got my white/clear Original Astro Bottle yesterday, officially it is not available as a replacement part, yet the friendly people at Dinamo Gift-Store here in Cologne were so nice to make it possible. Thanks Ladies!

A very curious feature of that newest Astro bottle in my collection is that it comes with two(!) springs at the bottom (see image below).

Compared to the wax of my once white/turqouise (now refilled white/clear) the wax is much whiter and the old white unmistakably comes across as a shade of vanilla icecream or mayonnaise. Even with the light out!

In broad daylight the new white - especially when molten - looks very much like that of a translucent white plastic container. In addition, it has an odd greenish/purplish tint to it that reminds me of glow-in-the-dark toys as well as of that color changing carpaint. Fascinating!

...for those caring to know: The code on the cap says 6502/49

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and some more images
and a final one. Yes, they're low quality, sorry for that, but all I have is an old logitch webcam

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