Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So how many of you have lamps at work? I am considering bringing a giant to work just to see what people say.

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I've had lava at work every since I started collecting a year ago. I only run two lamps so I don't raise any eyebrows about wasting electricity . :) Right now I am running two Centuries.

Well I dont work at the minuet but my room has my lamps in except the Astrobaby glitters around the house.

When I get back into the entertainment indystury I kinda cant be having lamps kicking around the lighting opration point or anywhere else for that matter so my lamps will remain at home.

Here was my two last week...before the Centuries took over.

A few more:


My purple/yellow, a few weeks back:

My yellow/red that my co-wprker bought for me at a garage sale FOR $1.50!!!

NICE! That looks great!

My desktop toy.


If i worked in a different industry i would most likely bring lava to work. :P but its kinda difficult in a kitchen haha
I wish I worked in a funner office.  :-(
Same here, im sure I could get away with it but would raise too many eyebrows. I try to stay out of sight out of mind :)

Jim said:
I wish I worked in a funner office.  :-(

New setup at work, lava-wise. One of these is not a lava lamp. I'll let you think about it for awhile.

The stack of papers next to the gold Century!  What do I win Monty?

I have seven Lava Lamps, one lava plasma lamp (looks like a 32oz midnight), two desk top fountains and a 1970's era rain lamp hanging in the corner.

One of the lamps is a vintage brass coach lamp that I bought from a guy who was told to make his office look "more professional". Directly across from my desk is an Alien Icon series lamp ($1 at the flea market last month). The others are three midnights, one black wizard sporting a purple/clear globe, and a 1970's vintage 52oz that I am attempting to clarify by cycling off and on for a few weeks. It is looking a little better.

I put two glitter lamps and a 10oz lava lamp on our public service counter. Afraid to put anything else out where the public can reach them because the poor 10 oz gets knocked over or dropped about once a week.

I have room for a few more, but power supply is an issue. You'd think a 200,000 sq.ft. warehouse would have more than 3 outlets in the office...

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