Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hi guys,

well i was just thinking about the strange and wonderful things one could do with a lava lamp, i got an engraving machine so thought i would do something a bit different to one of my jets, there is an enraving tool that frosts glass so i have spiralled the glass and it looks pretty good for a first atempt , i will get some pics when i have finished it

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Will be interesting to see this.
so far so good

Not bad - try making it more stenclie next time and with the intercacie of a tatto, that would be intresting

Nice jet collection by the way - did you get thies from the 90's when they were made or were they off ebay etc?

Holy Jets! That's awesome. I like it.

krissyfromswindon said:
so far so good
ive been pickin them up from boot sales mainly over the past ten years or so

You know what you need? More jets. I wish Mathmos would re-release the jets in the USA so we can have some because I really like them.


The engraving looks kind of like a candy cane. Are you going to use some kind of red colourway?

krissyfromswindon said:

so far so good
I wish Mathmos would re-release the jets in the USA so we can have some because I really like them.
Yea Jets are nice but I doubt that Mathmos will re release them - i haven't known Mathmos to release lamps which have been discontinued and especially the Jets. - They have stopped making any replacement items for them.

I do think that they will make a new lamp design and release for the US market / christmas.

you must be a mind reader the plan was to make it look loke a barbers pole

Autumn said:

You know what you need? More jets. I wish Mathmos would re-release the jets in the USA so we can have some because I really like them.


The engraving looks kind of like a candy cane. Are you going to use some kind of red colourway?

krissyfromswindon said:

so far so good

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