Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi Can anyone recommend me a good lava lamp to buy.

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Can you be more specific? Lava? Glitter? US or Europe? A light from the 60s perhaps?

Yes, there are some FANTASTIC Mathmos lamps out there and some older Lava Lite models as well. Maybe a Mathmos Astrobaby will suit your fancy?

However, it seems like Mathmos isn't very keen on answering people on their Facebook page; I've been writing them off and on asking for more info about when they're coming to the states and they never reply. 

Here's hoping! Supposed to be online in September.

James Reiche said:

Yeah Mathmos makes great lamps, but they don't seem to concerned about the American consumer.

Maybe that will change when they get here and find out how much money they can make. :)

Mathmos or lava lite US made lamps are the way forward.

I can forward you on some Mathmos lamps from UK ebay if thats any help.

Try a Mathmos Astro from the UK. 


You don't need a converter or rewiring. 

They will run here just fine as we are only 110 and these lamps are rated for 220. 


To plug it in, you'll need to add a plug adapter like this: 



For lightbulbs, use USA only, like a Candelabra-base golf 40W like a Satco S3847: 



To make this bulb fit into the UK socket, add a small reducer socket like a Satco 92-403: 



And enjoy.



Happy Lava Lamping!

There are some nice glitter lamps too although lava purists don't always rate glitter lamps.


Earlier models of both Lava Lite and the European models are much better made IMO.


Look out for: Lava Lite, Mathmos (Prev. Crestworth), Nova and Fantasia (Fiber Optic specialists).  All great makers.

There are some nice glitter lamps too although lava purists don't always rate glitter lamps.
Thats true - there are some realy good glitters out there but they are more rare then good lava lamps and to be honist I think some glitters can be so much better then lava lamps - it all depends on getting a good one.

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