Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Some guy is selling a pale pink/clear astro that he claims is a one off custom colour that mathmos made:


i've also seen a couple of others like this, possibly from the same seller.

did mathmos really make some one offs like this, or were they just limited editions? or is it just some dude who's mixed wax from different lamps to try and rack the price up?

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Is twofacedvirgins / eatallyouwant / timmytears anyone here?

I'm starting to wonder now if most of the lava lamp sellers on ebay have at least 3 user id's :(
Don't buy from him either-he sold me an "as new, complete" white fluidium that was burnt, cloudy and had glass heat deflector missing.
eatallyouwant was timmytears. never seen twofacedvirgins auctions
twofacedvigins was eatallyouwant who was timmytears! Con man!
I'm glad now i didn't buy that white/clear lunar tom was offering me a while back... didn't know at the time that 'rare' flask wasn't at all.

Perhaps we should have a thread for good and bad ebay sellers. I've had a good experience with jenparkercoe lately, and a slightly less good one with amjw (aka retroguyz, andycornwall) who sold me a particularly cloudy (and chipped) trident.
if that was a genuine mathmos white/clear flask then i apologise, but if it wasn't, i would have liked to have known that.
TOM! You think wrong! I have no personal vendetta against you, I simply do not like you, your lack of manners, your personal slurs and insults or your selling ethic! I chose not to sell to you, which you knew, yet you still insisted on setting another account up on ebay to buy my item! i have the right to choose who I do and who I don't sell items to, and if I choose not to sell to you-TOUGH! Also, you will notice that the negative feedback that you left for me for not selling to you has been removed by ebay as all 3 of your accounts are under ongoing investigation to determine the level of your fraudulent tactics, so, nice try, but better luck next time. You seem to be under the illusion that I didn't want to sell to you as your offer was not high enough. Not true, as the item was sold for less than your offer to an honest, reputable buyer! Tom, get a life, and a conscience. END OF!!!!!!!!
Don't have much to offer except the following -

Tom - you stated you don't say it's a refill unless someone asks. Then you state such. Why would you do that? IMO - that is a low ball tactic. You should clearly state what your auctions are about and the condition of your item. This is what selling on eBay is about. There are a lot of crooks out there that don't state all the info and blame the buyer because they did not ask. That's your fault and you should suffer the consequences.

If you want to save face - you should stop using pictures from this site without permission and you should also start fully divulging all info regarding your lamps/globes.
You've pretty much said what i was about to say Kris. Tom and i do not see the world the same way. I don;t know much about lava stuff and conning newby's because they don;t know the tricks people get upto and how to avoid them is low :(
I almost wish i hadn't started this thread now. Mostly i just come here to look at pretty pictures and talk about nice things, and now everyone is arguing :(

But i suppose i am wiser (and sadder) for it too.
My last thought on the matter.

Tom, most buyers out there don't know what is and isn't a real Mathmos colour. "The buyer complained that it turned out to be a refill. He asked 'Why didn't you tell me?" I said 'You didn't ask.' "

This is not good. It is your responsibility as a good seller to tell your customers everything you know about an item. If you withhold possible important information that might make buyers reconsider their purchase (hint: non-Mathmos wax and liquid do not have the same smooth flow as Mathmos-brand wax and liquid), in my mind that makes you an unethical seller.

Few buyers have complained? That doesn't make you any more ethical.
well i guess germans and ethics don;t belong in the same sentence!



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