Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Let's post some pics of our goo kits!!


My Blue Grande









































My Orange Grande






































My Purple / White Grande

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If you know of a local lava lamp reseller you should hit them up for any bad grandes they may have laying around. I did this and scored 2 grandes for $60 both came with brand new bases, caps and bulbs.

Erin said:
Yeah, that seems to be the biggest problem GooKitting Grandes - getting a cheap Grande. I got one of mine for just $20 shipped thanks to a friend here, and the other one I found on eBay for $50 shipped.

The thing which is putting me off gookiting grande's is the goo needed - 1 quat is a lot just for 1 lamp and i can't justifie currently.

Grande wize I have been lucky - yes there are about 50 quid or more on Ebay but the last one I found on gumtree cost £15 and the one before £10.


Looking good :)

Mike(Blind Faith) said:
I only have one so far. I had it made for me in a trade. But so want to a grande.


Just made the Grande the other night.  Color is the most amazing electric purple!!  The 52 and 32 are US Purple/Whites

Very nice Mr. Coyote
Oh man .. This makes me want to buy grandes just to goo kit them.. All of these look fantastic !
Hey Wile, what type of paint did you use on those bases?

Wile E. Coyote said:


Just made the Grande the other night.  Color is the most amazing electric purple!!  The 52 and 32 are US Purple/Whites

Using this stuff.  Works great!!  Dries in a day, and no problems with heat or anything.

Dr. WHAT?! said:

Hey Wile, what type of paint did you use on those bases?

Have you tried the textured metallics?

Wile E. Coyote said:

Using this stuff.  Works great!!  Dries in a day, and no problems with heat or anything.

Dr. WHAT?! said:

Hey Wile, what type of paint did you use on those bases?

That's really very beautiful. How much of the purple dye did you use for that Grande?

I have one to convert and was almost sure that I was gonna use blue- but that purple is making me rethink it again. 

Wile E. Coyote said:


Just made the Grande the other night.  Color is the most amazing electric purple!!  The 52 and 32 are US Purple/Whites

I used the violet dye, and NOT the purple.  I figured the purple would be too dark, but as I think about it, it may have been the one I should've used.  I was actually going for a light lavender color, but I LOVE the shade it turned out!!  It's a really great color in person!!  I used just a scrape of the violet.  Really barely any.  If you can imagine lightly scraping your fingernail across the top of the dye pack, and collects under your nail, about half of that..  You can always just add more as it's running.  Just put a tiny bit at a time if you want to darken it up a little, and it just floats on top, and eventually the wax will pick it up, and it will blend together.  The kit calls for 55ml or surf, but I only used about 35 in this grande.  It flows the way I like it with less surf.  I've made 6 grandes, and a few 52oz, and all have turned out great.  I always am amazed at the clarity of the water.  Crystal, and I do mean crystal clear!!  It rocks!!


Jeff said:

That's really very beautiful. How much of the purple dye did you use for that Grande?

I have one to convert and was almost sure that I was gonna use blue- but that purple is making me rethink it again. 


OMG som many beautiful lamps, and so clear

I wish som of those was mine

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