Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

We need 10 Lunar owners to order new Mathmos bottles (different colours) 120,- Deutschland / Europa

We need 10 Lunar owners to order new Mathmos bottles (different colours) 120,-

shipping to your adress

we are two.

we need 8 Lunar owner more

Hallo, wir brauchen noch 8 Besitzer von Lunar Raketen die eine Flasche in Wunschfarbe haben möchten. (2 sind wir schon, nur die es auch im Shop für Astro, Telstar usw. gibt)

Der Versand geht an euere Adresse von Mathmos aus.

Stückpreis anstatt knapp 200,- nur noch 120,-

Wäre toll wenn wir die 8 Leute noch zusammenbekommen.

Wer interesse hat bitte hier die Wunschfarbe posten

Würde mich freuen wenn den Text jemand in ein vernünftiges Englisch formulieren könnte :-)

1x Gelbes Liquid - Rotes Wachs

1x Gelbes Liquid - Rotes Wachs






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According to their UK website,

Mathmos use both "Clear-Blue" (Astrobaby) and "Clear-Turquoise" (fireflow)

to describe the same coloured wax.


watching pictures from another website, there is a big difference:

We must be sure which one we can get.

On Mathmos website, the Telstar is listed as "clear/turquoise" (picture showing turquoise indeed) but on the colorway case just under it's listed "Clear/blue" )

Well spotted Astralav!

Can we find the answer to this one out please - I'm definitely after Clear-Turquoise!!


Spencer is the first person, he send his adress, emailadress and wish of colour to me.

we have to order for 3 Bottles, now

i hope you`re all send your orders to me till sunday!?

all the best

Still interested - going to order 2 Lunar bottles.

Just choosing the colours ;o)

One bottle for me.

Same like the others not sure about the color.

Must be sure it's the Turquoise and not the Blue.

hi Gerhard-hier meine Bestellung für Mathmos

hi Everybody

I call yesterday with Gerhard and he say i must order here direct for bottles to Mathmos!!

Hi Mathmos

i will order when its possible 3 bottles for my lunar lamps ( i have ten )

one  clear türkis

one  clear pink(rosa)

one  clear pflaume (looks black)

my adress Christoph Stucke

                 Walsroder Str.274

                 30855 Langenhagen / Hannover

best wishes


Just sent Gerthard my details:

x1 Clear Turquoise

x1 Blue-Green ;o)


i hope we can get clear turquoise from Mathmos.

Alternative: if its not possible ist clear / blue ok, too?

all the best...


I just called Mathmos (UK):

-Turquoise available

-price is 120£ (not 120eur as I supposed as it was a German post at the start)

-price is for delivery at one address!!!

They told me they'll ship all the bottles to one address to save shipping cost!

So I don't really see the special group buy price, if then everybody have to pay for shipping later.

I don't get it...

Thats disappointed

if they have chance the rules!?

we had taked about Euro, thats sure

I think i call Mathmos next week too.

Hi Gerthard,

I also spoke to UK Mathmos today.

They said the same thing to me -  that the lunar bottles would be delivered to ONE ADDRESS!

I think we have to BARGAIN HARD on shipping costs & delivery included!


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