Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Do you guys think that the sellers on eBay are abusing the system by charging such high fees on shipping? What do you think is a fair shipping price for one lamp? Do yo think eBay should do anything about it?


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I agree - shipping costs have gone up, and no one expects a lava lamp shipped for 4 bucks. eBay fees are getting out of control (especially when you add in paypal). I think many of the sellers feel that jacking up shipping costs is their only option. Yuri, I haven't looked at you Saturna yet, so I hope I don't offend - but my thought is that shipping should be around 9 or 10 bucks max. I've seen people list 15.99 and such to ship the lamp when I know it doesn't cost that.

I've sold a lot on ebay as well. My specialty for a while, other than LL, was vintage t-shirts. I watched the guys that were doing that and they were making it up on shippin too. Tou can charge like 5.99 and get a way with it - then just put the shirt in a padded envelope and ship with stamps for about 1.82. Bidders forget about just plain old first-class envelopes....
I agree, the shipping is out of controll. Ebay needs to monitor that better because they are doing high shipping to save on paying ebay the percentage of the sale. It don't make a difference to me as long as I get a lamp for a good price overall. It is ebay's fult for not monitoring this. Plus they are garunteeing themselves that certain amount because they don't want to get skimped out. I can see good and bad sides to this but really, I think that it is just screwing over ebay more than the customer unless the customer is too nieve to take in the fact of the price of shipping plus the bid price and how much the item is realy worth.



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