We need 10 Lunar owners to order new Mathmos bottles (different colours) 120,-
shipping to your adress
we are two.
we need 8 Lunar owner more
Hallo, wir brauchen noch 8 Besitzer von Lunar Raketen die eine Flasche in Wunschfarbe haben möchten. (2 sind wir schon, nur die es auch im Shop für Astro, Telstar usw. gibt)
Der Versand geht an euere Adresse von Mathmos aus.
Stückpreis anstatt knapp 200,- nur noch 120,-
Wäre toll wenn wir die 8 Leute noch zusammenbekommen.
Wer interesse hat bitte hier die Wunschfarbe posten
Würde mich freuen wenn den Text jemand in ein vernünftiges Englisch formulieren könnte :-)
1x Gelbes Liquid - Rotes Wachs
1x Gelbes Liquid - Rotes Wachs
Views: 4555
Gerhard, thanks for your time on this deal, but I think Mathmos are not very cool.
First they want the same color for all, now they ask to add more for shipping? No way!
Where is the deal in this case?
This is a "group buy" so we need to get something for it, not just few £.
They must stand to what they told you first: 120eur delivered.
Das wird noch geklärt, momentan sieht es recht gut aus. Aber bitte ruft nicht weiter bei Mathmos an.
Christian wird demnächst zurückgerufen und dann gebe ich euch Bescheid.
This is clarified, it currently looks pretty good. But please do not continue to call for Mathmos.
Christian is soon called back and then I give you notice.
good news!
thats fact- we can order the 3 colours:
clear - turquoise - clear - blue is the same one
clear pink (rosa)
clear pflaume
one bottle cost 120,- Euro
shipping cost per delivery 10,- Euro
i give your adresses to mathmos, they give you a process number for the bank transfer.
who compared the 10 - Cancel shipping will please say now modest.
many thanks to Christian for the deal with Mathmos!
all the best
Great News Gerhard,
Can you let me know HOW SOON they expect to deliver please?
Hallo, i am sorry we must waiting all for it :-)
Hello Gerhard,
I don't mind waiting ... but in one weeks time I am off on holiday.
Ich habe nichts dagegen wartet. In 1 Woche Zeit bin ich in den Urlaub.
Yes, thanks for the deal Gerhard, you did good, but I think Mathmos are not very generous.
They should have stand to what they said first.
Anyway, it's still better than ordering individualy, but not by far...
Do you think we can pay with Paypal?
thank you, i marked you on the list for a OK, i hope all other collectors give me their OK too, soon :-)
If i has all OK`s i give out the order.
The payment methode i dont know, but i thinks its incidental by this nice deal.
I´m order 2 bottles for me and Christian order two bottles for his Lunar.
Do you want more of it, thats the time to chance your order please.
That was many work for Christian and me, please dont call again to Mathmos, the deal is made!!!!
Many thanks to Mathmos for the meet with us collectors, i´m very happy :-)
all the best Gerhard
hi Gerhard -
Ein Wiedererkennungswert bzw ein Aktenzeichen bei Mathmos währe nicht schlecht als Vermerk damit die wissen wofür bei den das Geld eingegangen ist .!! wie z.B. Lunarsammelbestellung XYZ oder so.
Hallo, wir bekommen alle einen Verwendungszweck zugeteilt, dann erst überweisen wir das Geld :-)
Heute von Christian bekommen:
Hi friends, the order to Mathmos is now complete. No time for change something!
Shortly I get a Mail from Cindy, with Ref. Numbers and banking arrangements.
Every adress gets a own/specially Ref. Number, wich must be taken, when you pay!!!!!
Anybody get a Mail from me, with his own Number, banking arrangements and the price, he must pay.
This is only for the German people:
Bitte zahlt per Überweisung, an die Konto-Daten, die ich euch in Kürze zukommen lasse.
Gebt als Verwendungszweck bitte die Ref. Nummer an, damit die Bestellungen zugeordnet werden können!
Sollten alle zügig bezahlen, liefert Mathmos voraussichtlich in der letzten April Woche (ohne Gewähr)
This is for the People from UK and France:
When you want transfer with a credit Card, you have to phone to Cindy and give your Data to her and the Ref. Number, wich you get by me.
If everybody have paid, Mathmos will deliver in the last week of April (this information is supplied without liability)
Haben das Alle soweit verstanden?
You have all understand?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Hi all
sorry for my late reading but if it is possible I would order one blue/turquoise bottle also
hope it is not too late
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