Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

We need 10 Lunar owners to order new Mathmos bottles (different colours) 120,- Deutschland / Europa

We need 10 Lunar owners to order new Mathmos bottles (different colours) 120,-

shipping to your adress

we are two.

we need 8 Lunar owner more

Hallo, wir brauchen noch 8 Besitzer von Lunar Raketen die eine Flasche in Wunschfarbe haben möchten. (2 sind wir schon, nur die es auch im Shop für Astro, Telstar usw. gibt)

Der Versand geht an euere Adresse von Mathmos aus.

Stückpreis anstatt knapp 200,- nur noch 120,-

Wäre toll wenn wir die 8 Leute noch zusammenbekommen.

Wer interesse hat bitte hier die Wunschfarbe posten

Würde mich freuen wenn den Text jemand in ein vernünftiges Englisch formulieren könnte :-)

1x Gelbes Liquid - Rotes Wachs

1x Gelbes Liquid - Rotes Wachs






Views: 4556

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not yet

nothing as yet! hey Simon i've sent you a friend req as just seen your jet lamp pics : )

Message from Mathmos (Wed 9/5)

The bottles are being made, I have asked yesterday when the delivery was to be expected, as they are more than one customized Lunar bottles that have to be made and tested, it will take approx. 2 weeks from yesterday. Once tested they are going to be shipped all on the same day.

its ok for me, two weeks more? no problem. Thx for your ask to Mathmos.

I'm in no rush! ;o)

Cheers for the update.... gives me longer to explain the purchase to family/friends who have said no more!!


Ha ha ha - same thing here ;o)

It's arrived apparantly ..... can't wait to get home

Mine arrived yesterday

- have to say the packaging was awful & the bottle was in a mess!

Q How did other people find the lunar bottles were packeged? Please Leave Comments.

(looks great flowing now though!!)

This bottle was packed well but wax was floating and bits all over ... took a while for coil to settle. No 'this way up' or anything. My last lunar bottle was terribly packed. Box was in 2 bits god knows how it survived. Has settled now and looks gorge I must say, hope yours sorts Simon!

Pic to follow :D


Very pleased with my clear-turquoise lunar bottle ;o)

Received mine this morning.

Wax is all around :-( (didn't even sit on bottom of the bottle)

I hope it will go ok.

The coil is far smaller than my other Lunar bottle (1/3 smaller)

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