Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


Any lamp is fair game now, not just the beatles and harley lamps. This thread has grown far beyond my expectations! 0.0

I really dont understand why these are always listed for ridiculous amounts. I see them all the time for $100 buy it now. I have a harley lamp and I want to sell it because I dont like it. Someone locally tried to sell me a beatles lamp for $100. Are these people nuts? Why do they all seem to list them for stupidly high prices?

Anyways I thought it would be fun to see who can find the most over priced harley davidson or beatles submarine lamp.

I am setting the bar really high.


$274.99 Buy it now.

$26.99 Shipping.

$301.98 Total

Views: 13987

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Cosmetically, it looks like it's in good condition. As far as very good working, you'll have to give it a good Goo-Kit. And for $85 plus S/H, I think I'll pass.
James Reiche said:

"Very good working and cosmetic condition."

This is a perfect example of an Ebay seller that has no idea what they are talking about.  - LOL

MattMJB0188 said:

The base looks fine, but look at the globe, obviously someone shook it or dropped it.  It has the long silver streak cap and the liquid looks pretty low.   Maybe worth $5, $10 maximum.  

What in the actual crap. This is insane. 

Ha!  I was watching that one for fun.  I wanted to bid on it but saw it was $192.50 for a while but thought THAT was too much.  This one just blew me away too.

Wow... how prices fluctuate. I won an identical one for $65 on Ebay a couple years ago.

did you get the 500.00 century from week before last...

Something weird is happening. These lamps are way overpriced and when it's glitter, it's the same winner. This is nuts. 

deeper pockets than I... have any showed up in members collection ?
Erin said:

Something weird is happening. These lamps are way overpriced and when it's glitter, it's the same winner. This is nuts. 

Nope. The mystery bidder is likely not a member here. 

things that make you go HMMMMMMMM... :)

Erin said:

Nope. The mystery bidder is likely not a member here. 

or Ooooooohhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

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