Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I've been wandering around the site the last few days trying to research this lamp I have. I have found some very helpful information (thank you!!).

So from what I've seen I'm pretty sure I have a Coachlite, just not sure on the gen. (I think maybe 2???)

This was my moms and I'm not really thinking about selling it at this time but I am curious as to how much it may be worth.

Thanks for your help!!

Ok so I can't figure out how to add a pic. I see where it says attach files but the choose is grayed out so I can't click it. Maybe it's because I'm on my phone. Please help!

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We can't really say a estimate mate price of the lamp without a picture - to upload it first it has to be on your computer so transfer the picture over and try uploading it again.

So I finally had a chance to sit down at the computer.  I got the pictures uploaded now.  Thanks for your patience!!

Cool pic butI can't tell what the globe colors are. I can't tell if the colors have faded or if the globe is cloudy. Do you know what the globe colors are by any chance?

it looks like a gen 1 base. does it flow at all?


Well I think it's supposed to be clear and orange but the water looks cloudy. I know the base and the globe are both original. As far as flowing I honestly haven't had time to try it out. I remember this being in our house when I was a kid and I know it flowed then but I also remember it took a while to get going. I should be home long enough tomorrow to test it out. I'll try to upload some pics of the flow (if it works).

the globe colors may be bleached. it looks like a early lamp before yellow red. the combo was orange lava yellow liquid. they look very cool.

Its a nice lamp. If you put it up for sale it will sell. I would probably put it up for an auction on ebay. You should take a few pics of it flowing to give people an idea of it performs. The copper around it looks great and considering the age of the lamp it stands out well. For lamps that old bleached wax and liquid is pretty common. I can't say for sure it will sell for $100 or more but its worth a shot.

Yea it is a first generation LL coach light - not as rair as the Cretsworth ones which they are designed on but they are sought after so it should sell.

The globe is not in good condition as its faded and cloudy etc so this will take the value down a bit. - I would guess it would sell for 40-60 dollars but maybe more considering what some lamps have gone for recently.

You never know with auctions. When I was selling lamps I wanted to generate traffic through my store so once a week I would put a 40th ann set up every week for auction on ebay. Most of time they sold for an average of $50 - $75 but this one auction sold for $325. The only thing that I can think of was that a little bidding war broke out and someone didn't want to loose. You never know but it is a risk.

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