Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

The Dark Knight Rises Lava Lite to feature new color combo

There will be 2 versions. The "Scene" features a clear/black globe. The "Hero" features a black liquid with "clear" wax! They are due for shipping July 1st, 2012.

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Thanks for the pics!

The color combo is nice and most of all, totally new!, but...... I wish they made these in a larger globe size. I dont want to buy 2 of them to fill one 32 oz. globe or 3 of the to fill a 52 oz. that's a huge waste of money. All these smaller 20 oz. themed lamps do nothing for me at all. Sure they are good for 7 year olds but I have no interest other then the globe color.  This color combo would've been perfect for that grim reaper resin they released last year.

Does anyone know if this lamp is going to be available in the UK as LL wont ship to the UK if brought from there websight.

You might try here:


Tim Gill said:

Does anyone know if this lamp is going to be available in the UK as LL wont ship to the UK if brought from there websight.

Can someone read off the code on the bottle cap for this lamp? Since it's a new color combo, I need to update the list. Also if anyone has one of those small teal/clear lamps I would like the code for that as well.

Unless someone beats me to it, I'll try to remember to post the code tonight.  I keep forgetting when I'm at home.


Here we go: K2416  12.04.16

Looks cool! And the wax is really white!

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