Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I just got an Astrobaby - it's clear/white(opal)
How rare is it?

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Its quite rair - the opel wasn't made for an Astrobay speficilky but there was a opel astro and melenium telstar made which has a opel bottle so the bottle could come from this or the astro.

Hey Tim didn't they do a limited release with these? I have a clear/white astro that I got a couple years ago I thought they had them in astrobaby as well.

Mabie - though I havent heard this, it wouldent surprise me if they did a limited run of opel astrobabies as they had made clear / white astros and the 2000 telstar.

Do these have the discolouring problems?

This wasn't too long ago maybe 2008-09?, definitely not in 2000 when they released the millennium lamps.  I thought they released a astrobaby version too but dont remeber. Here is a picture of my astro. It's still going good and looks amazing. no discoloration.

Here's the packaging: It look gray and 'metallic', on the top it has a picture of a Telstar, Jet, Astro and Astrobaby.

Also, Dr. WHAT, what colourway is your Telstar above? looks really nice and I once saw it in a shop - but was too afraid to ask. They said it was an Opal, but I never believed them.

The telstar is orange/clear but I was told it they didn't make a orange/clear so it could've been a purple/orange at one time and the purple faded.

Our store has the same color too! But they aren't willing to sell it. 
Things that make you go HMMMMM...

Dr. WHAT?! said:

The telstar is orange/clear but I was told it they didn't make a orange/clear so it could've been a purple/orange at one time and the purple faded.

I think they have made a clear / orange - I have this in a astro and I have also seen a fue astrobabie in clear / orange.

really? that would be super cool!

Yea they apper on ebay UK.

Dr. WHAT?! said:

really? that would be super cool!

I don't have space for any more lamps. Grrrr...

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