Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So upon reading about the neon series available from Spencer's I got excited at the notion of something new from lava ordered one against my better judgement knowing that there was a better than average chance it would show up to my door cloudy. 

This is what showed up Tuesday afternoon and it was shamelessly cloudy. I've had my fair share of cloudy lamps but this one takes the cake, it looks like someone dumped a glass of milk in it.

This is going back to Spencer's, not even going to attempt to run it.

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Just take it back, although I am not against anyone doing a DIY job on lamps doing it then talking it back isn't going to work as you have voided the warranty.

Also talking it back shows Spencer's and LL for that matter that there is a issue and it is this.

I always went to Spencer's for gag gifts, and this lamp is one BIG JOKE. A cloudy lamp is one thing, but that's ridiculous. Would it be possible to take off the cap, empty cloudy water and add new dist. water w/surf? That's what I would try. And if it didn't work, then I would take it back.

You could always use it as a reminder not to run out of Milk!


sad stuff here...

Anyone know if the "neons" at Spensor's have have been fixed?

My neon turned out much better! It's cleared up and amazing flow

Thanks.  I saw Spensor's has them on sale ($20), so I ran out to see if they had any.  At first glance it looked like all they had were the normal white/blue and one other, but then I found a green Neon hiding.  The top was taped shut so I assumed this was from the original batch and checked over to make sure it wasn't cloudy.

I opened it when I got home and the liquid looks pretty clear.  I can't tell yet if the liquid is slightly cloudy or if the glass is hazy.  Hopefully it clears up.  Even if it doesn't, I'll be happy if it flows well.  My other China made 52oz'ers have poor flow or are cloudy.

Give it a bit, I took mine about 7 runs to really start flowing well

I already like the flow of mine.  Not as good as a 90's lamp, but better than the usual China lamp.

On the first run I did see it releasing a white powder or something into the liquid.  It's not bad, but it's definitely not as clear as it could be.

The wax is interesting.  Not sure how to describe it, but it looks more gelatin-like than wax-like.  Less dense and more translucent. 

Ya I was trying to discribe it as well. I said creamy, and silky Lol

this is my neon

Nice flow for a china lamp - I am inpresed and it will be really good if all neons are like this or better.

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