I have tried several times to fix a lava lamp that i have. No gookit, I can't afford it. Basically just distilled water, non iodized salt and surf; and no luck. I know it should work because I redid another lamp and it works fine. It doesn't flow as well as I want it too but I still have movement.
This other one, I let it heat up and add salt and surf and it never moves. The water level rises until the wax completely detaches from the coil.
what am I doing wrong?
Views: 333
How long have you had the lamp - has it been flowing then stopped?
Have you let the wax compleatly melt before adding the salt?
What lamp is it?
The lamp was passed down and is maybe like 12 to 15 years old. It was knocked over while off and the metal cap literally burst off. I dont know why I decided to hold on to it but I did and I would like to fix it. I could try to fix it and make sure the wax is completely melted before adding any salt. It was the purple Camel promotional lamp and Im pretty sure it is 52 oz
another thing im not sure about is recapping it. I don't have a bottle capper plus it is one of the wide mouthed bottles
There are diffrent ways to recap it by not using a capper and keep the oringal cap, I prefer to replace the cap compleatly using a hand held capper.
Check out this section of the lava libary on capping info http://oozinggoo.ning.com/page/replace-bottle-cap
okay that helps, but over time the cap was misplaced, any ideas on how to replace it?
do you mean the bottle cap or the covering of the top.
bottle cap, but he black cap broke when it fell also. I was never too worried about it though
okay cool I never thought to use a regular small cup like those, awesome thinking!! The opening on this globe is if my memory serves me right now the size of a 50 cent piece, but I will take a closer look at the beer bottles next time I go to the grocery store : )
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