Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've been using these for about 5 years now and It's like having a remote control fireplace. Plus if you have a lava setup that's high up on shelves or your just sick of flipping 30 switches these are a great investment.




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I need more of these, I actually made one of these short out the other day because I had too much running off it lol

12 midnight centurys, 4 - 52 oz. globes, a grande with 2 blacklight strips, a Excalibur, a tall skinny student lounge lamp, one crystal skull vodka lamp, 3 mystical cloud lamps and one cd lamp I made all in a pear tree. :)

holy crap!  be careful over there :)

I had to put the 12 midnight century's on another outlet.

pretty cool!

Tim Gill said:

I have got some of thies made by standby by by http://www.byebyestandby.com/Starterkit.php its not this exact one as I have the older model I find its more of a gadget then anything else its cool but not compleatly nessary.

I think with this you can remotly control up to 8 sockets I have only got 3 sockets so far to turn on / off a lava display (the display goes through the remote controled socket). As they are only the 3A versions I can't use it for the main lava shelf - it would be good to get a fue 13A ones so I can turn on / off the other lamp displays and other lights in my room. 

Myelin check out this for rermote control via the internet http://www.byebyestandby.com/byebyestandbyonline.php

I have 3 lamps on an X10 remote control.  I use them in my bedroom so I don't have to get out of bed to turn them on or off.

Thats looks cool I would love a remote controlled outlet using my iphone.

Marcel said:

Take a look on this here:


Its a German product, bu i think it will work in the USA and UK too ;)

You can control these remote control plugs with an iphone/ipad/android app. Really cool :)

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