Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all,

Is there a photo of a Jack Daniels lamp on here. I'm sure i've seen one and tried a search but can't find it. A member on another forum ( not a lava site) collects Jack Daniels merchandise and would like to see/buy or make one.

Could someone point me in the right direction ?



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There was a JD glitter lamp custom built on Ebay a while back - I don't know if / when it will be made and sold again i am quite sure there was not a JD lamp lamp put into production. 

An idea could be to use the bottle and put it on a china 'milk bottle' style lamp base, paint the base black and fill the bottle with lava or glitter.

Thanks Tim, I'm sure I saw a custom build on here when I first found the site, maybe it was the same one you saw on ebay...or me brains going...lol.

Tim Gill said:

There was a JD glitter lamp custom built on Ebay a while back - I don't know if / when it will be made and sold again i am quite sure there was not a JD lamp lamp put into production. 

An idea could be to use the bottle and put it on a china 'milk bottle' style lamp base, paint the base black and fill the bottle with lava or glitter.

it wouldn’t surprise me if someone on hear brought it but I know someone made a custom orange glitter one and it was sold on ebay.

Right on Tim...not a lamp that would do it for me but we all have different tastes ! give me a copper/chrome Crestie Astrolamp anytime...stay your way ;)
Tim Gill said:

it wouldn’t surprise me if someone on hear brought it but I know someone made a custom orange glitter one and it was sold on ebay.

Like this Rocket Man? Just sold this month in UK. Very cool. I collect JD stuff too. Well...shot glasses. ;)


Cheers Deb, a certain Lava Lamp has your name on it...Lady Grinning Soul  ;)

Deb said:

Like this Rocket Man? Just sold this month in UK. Very cool. I collect JD stuff too. Well...shot glasses. ;)


I must have! Lol

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