Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I had always wanted a Lava Lamp but couldn't ever seem to bring my self to spend the $20 to buy one.  AND, my wife didn't really want me to have one.  One day I was driving down the street and a Lava Lamp caught my eye at a garage sale...  It was a Grande, (I didn't know that at the time, it was just a big Lava lamp to me.)  I stopped, asked how much?  The lady said "the owner isn't here, I don't know...$10?", "I said $5", She sad "ok"!  Thus began my journey! 

It didn't work and had a 45 watt bulb in it! haha, I put in a 100watt, I found you guys, found Magma Tower, ordered some goo, made a few phone calls, put in a 150 watt bulb and viola!

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Great job!  That was quite a deal!

Welcome to Oozing Goo Jeff

That was a good find for the grande and the colour is intresting, is that just a small amout of purpal dye you used to get that colour.

Yea it was!  I am pretty happy with paying $5 for a grande and then buying a goo kit, my math isn't that good. but I think that is less than $100!

Jus said:

Great job!  That was quite a deal!

The color is kinda hard to explain, I didn't want "pink" at all, I wanted a light blue.  You can see in the picture the middle blob kind of a translucent blue, that is what I wanted. 

Here is how it went...  I started with fluorescent blue, kept adding it but never got really any blue (it was cool though), added aqua blue, wasn't "blue" enough, finally added a little violet to maybe blue it up just a hair.  BAM pink!

Here is the really weird part.  When I turn it off the goo is aqua blue (turquoise).  I tried a natural light bulb and a regular one, same result.

Tim Gill said:

Welcome to Oozing Goo Jeff

That was a good find for the grande and the colour is intresting, is that just a small amout of purpal dye you used to get that colour.

The wax may be blue when off due to the UV blue added - it could be reacting to the natural light

As you have found UV blue dosent do much if your not using it under UV light - its more of a UV reactive dye then the ushal colour

What do you mean when you say a 'natural' light bulb.

There are "regular" light bulbs, (white) and then under several different names "natural" bulbs that look a little purpleish/pinkish that are supposed to represent a truer color to things when they are on, the one I have is a reveal bulb.

Here is an updated picture, I poured out the water which I was trying to tint purple, Check out the color(s) that the goo actually is now??  This is very strange, and very cool!  It actually goes through about 3 colors in the process!


Good result, but 150w bulb is too much.

You should use 100w max.

I have the 150 on a dimmer and have the water temp at 120, Kim from Magma tower said 115 to 120 is where it needs to be, it wouldn't flow with the 100 watt bulb for some reason.

Strange, ushally gookits run with the ushal bulbs supplied with the oringal lamp but run at a lower temp.

Jeff said:

I have the 150 on a dimmer and have the water temp at 120, Kim from Magma tower said 115 to 120 is where it needs to be, it wouldn't flow with the 100 watt bulb for some reason.

When I got the lamp it had a 45 watt bulb, LOL, didn't think that would work!  I haven't got a proper reflector bulb yet, I am just using a regular household bulb.  I have found a reflector 100watt online but don't have it yet.

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