Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Has anyone had any luck with this color combo? As a Philadelphia Flyers fan, it has great appeal to me but the ones I've seen in person, including the one I bought today, the lava keeps the light from illuminating the globe. Online I have seen ones like the video on YouTube where it looks great and just like my lamp with orange fluid and white or orange lava. But that one is turned off and sitting next to the new one and they look the same except for the motion in the new lamp.

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For them to look good you have to back light it with another lamp and/or light source.  If you don't, you can't really see anything.

This not intended in any way shape or form to be bright. It was released during halloween a few years back but spencers stuck with. Its one of my favorite color combos just because its unique. Just don't be one of the few who buys a dark lamp and expect it to light up a corner in the room.

No, not at all. I expected it to be darker than the other but was hoping that it would hold it's own. I will just have to figure out a different way to display it. I may go back and get the last one because I like displaying in pairs but I'll have to determine how to display it well.


Funny coincidence, I call the store to see if they still have them and they said "oh yeah, absolutely. (as in puhleeeease come take them out of here!) Would you like me to hold one for you?" to which I replied "No, if you still have them, I'm sure there won't be a run on them". I get there, there's 3 left so I pick one up and head to the counter.The guy behind me in line says "hey, you got one of these orange and black ones too, huh?'. I asked the girl before I left when the last time they sold even one of them was and it had been so long that she couldn't remember.

I was actually surprised that spencers stuck with this color combo throughout the year. I kind of figured they would just keep it exclusively for halloween. I went in during christmas and they completely restocked on the black in orange. Having a extremely dark during this time does not quite match up too well with christmas and the start of spring and summer. People sometimes redecorate their homes during this time and the color does not fit in well. Those bright colors make the difference.

I saw one at my Spencer's today, too. I had horrible luck with my last one (in 2011). I returned it. However, globes seem to be clearer now, so who knows, maybe you'll get a good one. 

Wow, Erin! Mine is very clear (aside from the bubbles and blemishes in the glass). Although the lava tends to appear more of a deep maroon than black but that's understandable. Will you be trying another one?

I might try another one. I just bought three Neons today and they are all in good shape. I should have picked up an orange/black, too, since I saw one there. Jim (member here) has a nice one of these from a few years ago. When clear, they are kinda cool. 

I relocated mine last night so that it backs up against a white wall where there is no competing light source so I'm hoping for positive results from that. I'm scoring a Grande purple/yellow with a matching medium and also a blue/green medium this week so I think I'll leave that other orange/black be for a little bit. If you get one, please let me know how it works out for you and I will be posting results from relocating this lamp and also my new acquisitions too.

I definitely think the globes have improved. Here's my three Neons from today: http://oozinggoo.ning.com/photo/neon-52-oz-lava-lamps-from-lava-lit... 

I have to run out shortly but will post pics of my orange/black. Like I said, lots of bubbles in the glass. Can't see from your neon pics but how are they bubble-wise?

I don't see any bubbles in the glass, but one sec, let me look. No bubbles in the glass, but there are some "light dots" that kinda look like stars or pinholes of light. That's pretty normal for globes. 

We're probably talking about the same thing. Mine has them but so does my '73 Coach Lantern. The glass in my orange/white Aristocrat is super clear, no blemishes at all so it's what I compare others to.

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