Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

If anyone wants this, they better JUMP FAST!!!! PURPLE GLITTER WIZARD ON EBAY

Silver base, purple glitter Wizard on ebay for a BIN price of $13.50 and 5.00 expedited shipping. It looks great except for a small dent in the base, but that is all I can tell.  Liquid level great too.  I'd already have it, but I just got one. 


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Thanks for the heads up. Just bought it for a friend. :)

Dang, you're serious about this...  Nice catch!  Too bad I was napping.  :>)

You  are most welcome, Deb!   I hope they enjoy it as much as we all do our own!  It really is magical.

@Kirk, I should have been "napping," but didn't hit the sack till 4 this morning----was trollin ebay.  (Trying to be persistent)  :-)

Good for you!

I find Saturdays are a good day to get those *special* BIN deals, too.

I was shocked senseless for a sec, but only a sec........I've never seen a BIN at that kind of price!   I was tempted, but didn't want to be a hog, since I just got one myself.  Oh yes-----did I mention that I also found a red and BLUE??   :-)

Fantastic, Libby!  Maybe a few pics are in order?

I can't get pics to go on here.  It tells me the files are too big?  They are only regular snap shots???   ARGGGG   Not got them yet, but will try when I do.   Whoops, should I say that I also got two blips??   Yes, I am deadly serious.  LOL
Kirk said:

Fantastic, Libby!  Maybe a few pics are in order?

Aah, Ebay.  Many good bargains if you look, but I'm too cheap to pay the shipping.  But if the shipping is cheap I'm wondering how securely the lamp is packed.  :/

Blips?  Did you say Blips?  Links!  Links!  We want links!

Ya! You finally got some blips!  colors?

Marley's Ghost said:

I can't get pics to go on here.  It tells me the files are too big?  They are only regular snap shots???   ARGGGG   Not got them yet, but will try when I do.   Whoops, should I say that I also got two blips??   Yes, I am deadly serious.  LOL
Kirk said:

Fantastic, Libby!  Maybe a few pics are in order?

I worried about that packaging too, Keith.  That person was a noob and had only sold 3 things, Bless their Hearts.  Hope Deb gave them packing instructions.   Hey, 5 bucks for expedited shipping is NOT bad.   If the lamp is reasonably priced, I don't mind the higher shipping "if" packed well.   It took me half an hour----literally-----to unpack my Purple Wizard.  That lady meant business!!!   Good on her!

Keith, Blips are both lavas, one blue/white the other, purple/yellow.  BUT---also went to that site Dr. gave me and bought two 20 oz. glitter bottles in pink and TEAL to change them out, I wanted one to be clear, but they were out, and I had to settle for pink. UGH  But  I'm a happy camper now.   I did have to get one "black base" blip and one silver.  I wanted 2 silvers but that's the way the cookie crumbles. 
Keith said:

Ya! You finally got some blips!  colors?

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