Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Was this good, or did I just make a major "Newbie" goof?

I got one of those Fantasia Glittler Graphics box lights today.  It has a Parrot in a Jungle, with flowers, ocean and a crescent moon on it.  It is in perfect working condition, looks great and I got it for 29 bucks.   Was that a good score or do I need my head examined for another of my newb mistakes?  

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Ain't that the truth, Deb.  I'd love to see inside his house, it's untelling what he's created.  The mad mod scientist of LL!
Deb said:

XD, yeah I haven't had time to look him up yet, but hoping to pay him a visit soon. Not sure why my AC man thought he would be impressed with my Colossus but he took a pic to send him anyway. LOL I can only imagine what he has in his home. Hell, if he can get a 3 inch lamp to flow he must have some mad mod skills.

Marley's Ghost said:

LOL, Deb, take me with you to see that old LL man, and I might even bring you the parrot........  :-)
Deb said:

You did good Mar. I wouldn't mind having the rainbow unicorn at that price :)

Too late, EEEKKKK, I MUST have it!!!   Bad Keith!!!  LOL
Keith said:

psst!  don't show this to Libby, she's a parrot head!

I love parrots and bought quite a few pet parrots or adopted

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