Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Ok, I've been on here for a few months now and thought it'd be nice to see what everyone looks like (since we'll likely never meet).

Who wants to go first? :)

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I told you I'd mess it up.   It's my little dog face that did it.   Help, Erin, I didn't see anyplace to label this pic.   I'm the "dark child" in a family of blond sisters, as in my sister on the right.   

Great pic Libby!

Here's a hint for posting pictures, type your comment or label, hit enter, insert image.  The image will insert where the cursor is.  If you want to post more pics in the same reply hit enter again and repeat process.

Thanks!  Now if only I still fit in it!

Critter said:


Lovin' that Hawiian shirt.......it is Magnum PI-esque!


Thanks, Keith!   But I didn't see anything but gobbledygook.   No place to type in any label or anything.  It just had the link from my computer and a place to size the pic??  I saw no insert button either.  Where the heck was I?   I clicked on that "image" icon above.

In the reply box, type your label, hit enter, then click on the image icon to insert image.  Sorry that my hint left out those specifics.  ;)  Here's a sample;

sample 2

Marley's Ghost said:

Thanks, Keith!   But I didn't see anything but gobbledygook.   No place to type in any label or anything.  It just had the link from my computer and a place to size the pic??  I saw no insert button either.  Where the heck was I?   I clicked on that "image" icon above.

Basically you are inserting pictures in between comments that way


Great picture, look at them guns!

HughesWaveMachines said:

Updated pic... :)

Got ya.....sorry, I misunderstood.   Now this box will disappear and where do I post one with hubby in it too?   At the top in that box?
Keith said:

Basically you are inserting pictures in between comments that way


wow, i've been on this site since 2009!  it doesn't seem like it's been that long.  here's another pic

Erin said:

*cough* still some noobs that need to post their pics (kirk/libb... others... brad, ben... etc etc) :)

Howdy, Brad, great picture!  

Yes, that's one way.

Marley's Ghost said:

Got ya.....sorry, I misunderstood.   Now this box will disappear and where do I post one with hubby in it too?   At the top in that box?
Keith said:

Basically you are inserting pictures in between comments that way


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