Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hey goo heads - it would be neat to have a thread with photos of everyone's current display(s), so post up!

i will post mine soon since most of my lamps are still in boxes from the move.

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any new setups out there?  post em up!

still looks good, critter.  did you ever post a night shot?

here is what i'm working with.  the power strips arrive thursday, and i'm still trying to figure out how to hide the cables.  i'm seriously considering jus' suggestion with the fabric, but i'm open to other inexpensive ideas.

i got the power strips a day early, so here they are warming up.

That is LavaLicious right there!!

Brad said:

i got the power strips a day early, so here they are warming up.

You need a lavalamp screen saver on this big screen!

My dresser lava lamp setup and a drawing i made
Sorry for some reason the drawing didn't show up with the first one

nice drawing sam!

critter - it's funny you mention that.  the lamps have accumulated more runtime in that spot than the tv, and the lamps have only been there for a few days.  i don't watch much tv these days.  the lamps are much more interesting!

Thanks i try my best

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