Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I can't explain why, but I think I'm recovering.

I don't search on the web like crazy for Crestworth lamps anymore.

I used to spend a huge amount of time researching lamps on the web.

But now I'm done.

I guess it's because I've got pretty much everything I wanted (I'm still after a colossus).

I'm still running my lamps, still love them, but I don't want more of them, and I even may sell some soon.

What a relieve!

I'm free :-)

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Holy Toledo!!!   I just saw it and had to really ask forgiveness for coveting!!!  Spectacular!!!!   WOW
Astralav said:

Hey, Libby, check the pic I just posted.

Far from the real lamp, but you'll get an idea ;-)

U send me a Lunar.....I send u a Colossus =)

I'm kind of that way now! There are still many Astros I want, and the blue/green Fluidium globe... But once I got my Opal and had all but the blue/green the drive has died down a bit.
Astralav said:

I don't know if I lost the "fever", it just happens one day I find myself not searching for lamps like a crazy anymore.

I was ill, now I'm cured.

Is it better? Yes it is!

It may sound less passionate, and more rational, but I enjoy what I've got more than before.

Well, I must admit I'm so much in love with my Living Jewel Lunar, that I may want to make another bottle one day.

That would be a sign of a deep relapse (I'll let you know, of course ;-) )

I was still very ill too, Lala, until I saw this mess lined up on one shelf..........YARD SALE!!!     I almost wish I only had my Wizards, Telstars and Starships.   Well.......and a few more......HELP!!!
lalalava said:

im still very ill...someone help me!  lol :P

You make me smile :) :) :)

LOL, Pete, Lala and I need help, really!!   ;-))

Dr Shwartz at your cervix.... :D :D :D

Marley's Ghost said:

LOL, Pete, Lala and I need help, really!!   ;-))

What???  LOL   I think ye ole Brit humour just winged its way right over my head.........Snort!!!     
Aladdin 2 Lava said:

Dr Shwartz at your cervix.... :D :D :D

Marley's Ghost said:

LOL, Pete, Lala and I need help, really!!   ;-))

How did you get rid of the "crap" lamps, Lala???   I think I'll have to give mine to all the children in my family who won't know the difference.   YIKES!!!!  
lalalava said:

well i guess im at least past the "no lamps left behind" phase lol. that's where i would buy any and every piece of crap lamp i saw lol. now ive weeded out most of the crap and ive got 50+ good solid lamps. ive completed my coach collection (a major goal from the beginning). now im looking mostly at mathmos...

Sounds like a good idea.  I need to practice on some of them.   Some are not really bad lamps.  I just "thought" I wanted them, and then didn't.   That must have been my "no lamps left behind" stage.  LOL
lalalava said:

I gave a few to my girls and the rest I popped open n played with lol ;)
Marley's Ghost said:

How did you get rid of the "crap" lamps, Lala???   I think I'll have to give mine to all the children in my family who won't know the difference.   YIKES!!!!  
lalalava said:

well i guess im at least past the "no lamps left behind" phase lol. that's where i would buy any and every piece of crap lamp i saw lol. now ive weeded out most of the crap and ive got 50+ good solid lamps. ive completed my coach collection (a major goal from the beginning). now im looking mostly at mathmos...


You are not alone. I have been cured as well. No more lava crazies. I still have and love my small collection but the sickness is over!

EEEKKK, Lala, duct tape your mouth shut!!!  LOL  

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