Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Im looking for a source of globes, caps, contents i cant bring myself to scrap any of my working lamps no matter how poorly they perform.

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Your best bet will be eBay or here. There's no distributor for spare parts, unfortunately. What are you looking for specifically? There's always someone selling here. :)

Guess the best answer is "Totally Custom" Globes. There is a warehouse store that sells glassware that might do the trick, I'll have to come up with a heat source too i guess.

If you're ok with playing with some 32oz, go to http://www.sciplus.com/p/LAVA-BOTTLE_46670 for the bottles.  I don't know anything about the store, but they do have some really neat scientific/play stuff.

I talked to the people at American science surplus. They have a massive stock of empty 32oz globes, no more 52 as they were old stock from LL and won't be restocked.

nice!  but how do we seal the top?

Bridget T said:

If you're ok with playing with some 32oz, go to http://www.sciplus.com/p/LAVA-BOTTLE_46670 for the bottles.  I don't know anything about the store, but they do have some really neat scientific/play stuff.

Since theyre already empty they probably dont come with bottle caps. But i know some people use new caps and a capper to get it to seal, other people use the carefully removed caps, if you still have them, and tighten them back on with a hose clamp. I personally like to use some sort of sealant as well as tightening the old cap back on.

Perfect if the picture is to be believed it even has a coil installed

Bridget T said:

If you're ok with playing with some 32oz, go to http://www.sciplus.com/p/LAVA-BOTTLE_46670 for the bottles.  I don't know anything about the store, but they do have some really neat scientific/play stuff.

Yes, I think they do come with coils.

 Some will have the coils in them. From what I have seen in the stores, only about a 3rd have the coils.

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