Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I was recently at 5 below and saw their "groovy lamps", I didn't get one because 5 dollars seemed too good to be true. I got home and looked them up, they look very clear. The flow isn't all that great, but at 5 dollars I thought they'd be a great deal. I was planning on getting one, but then I found this: http://www.cpsc.gov/en/Recalls/2005/CPSC-Bits-and-Pieces-Announce-R...
This really makes me question the safety of those 5 below lamps (or really any other generic Chinese made "motion lamp"). I greatly would prefer getting Mathmos or vintage lava lite, but some of these generic lamps are interesting designs or priced very cheaply. Has anyone ever had one explode while in use? Do you guys think they're safe?

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I haven't heard of any lamps exploding. The old(er) solvent-based glitter lamps are highly toxic if opened/broken though.

I think you're safe in getting those lamps. 

I have several generic lamps of all kinds, i have yet to have any issues at all, no crack, breaks, explosions. The only issue I have had is bad flow.

Just don't put a capped one on the stove or in the microware and you should be fine ;)

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