Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Thought i'd start a discussion about what you consider to be your ultimate lava/glitter/fibre bargain. Whether it be at a garage/car boot sale, on Ebay or something found at an old junk store let us know and make us jealous perhaps.

Mathmos Space Projector - Ebay buy it now $10.00/£5.00 anyone?? Snapped up a month or two back.

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I got a midnight Lava Lite water clear red/clear for .99 and $5 ship a few months back.
I got 2 of the rare teal Lava Lite midnights both for $22 including shipping. Both water clear.

Gotta love a bargain ! I'm with you, I'd like to hear the bargains others have gotten.


My Americana that i got off of craigslist was only $16.00 with shipping. I had it shipped from arizona and i live in california. BEST DEAL EVER!!
Way to go Ant and Jerome! Youse guyz be da bomb!
I just got off Craiglist 11 lamps for $50 (only 8 were complete Lava Lite or Lava World lamps), 3 of which were knockoff cheapos that didn't work. Included:

A silver Aristocrat Blue / Yellow

midnights: 2 blue / white, pink / red, purple / yellow, blue / yellow (common colors), etc.

1 midnight rocket

1 Enchantress planter, red / clear (doesn't work well though, missing flowers)

All for $50!
3 animal prints for 70$ Or, my 5 32 oz I got for 80$.

Nope, it was the Spensers Pirate. I got 2 for $9.98!
Wow! Good job Galaxy_9
Superb find, glad you rescued it Bohdan. It doesn't know how lucky it is.. Lol
I'm gonna call you Mr Bargain!
Stop Press!

£50 only recently just got me 3 Mathmos Astro babys, 1 Telstar (clear /green), 1 orange jet and two 'Hunter' Sata-lite lavas. 7 great lamps in total!

2 weeks ago, a Mathmos Space Projector at a Car Boot Sale for £2, and this weekend, a Lava Grande, still boxed, at an Amatuer Radio Rally for £5. (I'm in the UK, Dorset).

My Lava Grande cost me $10 when I got it. Due to a 20% discount coupon and $30 from my Secret Santa from work. Greatest Christmas gift I've gotten. lol

my best bargain was a Crestworth Galaxy which i snipped up for a mere £17!

close second a lunar for £290 in very good condition, third an Astrobaby Glitterball for £20 which i have been offered £125 for!

I haven't been lucky enough to snap up anything cheaper at boot sales cos I like a lie in of a weekend!

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