Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Lava Lite's New Website & The NEW Heritage Collection


The new Heritage Collection will be available to buy 10/28

**Updated the Heritage Collection will be released today on LavaLite Website at 10am CST. Heres a sneak peak!

*** http://lavalamp.com/heritage-collection ***

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THAT'S what I was hoping for, Jonas.  I have some empties that keep whispering softly, "fill me with glitter, fill me with glitter"

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

Sorry, Ben, my Grande, now empty, is already going to someone. Glitter Grande flow could be called boring, but the contents work great in a small globe!

Kirk, I will cry bitter tears if you open up that blue glitter grande to use for refills.  I'll buy it from you as is!!!!  PLEASE don't do that!!!   LOL   Your little lamps have now gone "Mute."   ;-))
Kirk said:

THAT'S what I was hoping for, Jonas.  I have some empties that keep whispering softly, "fill me with glitter, fill me with glitter"

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

Sorry, Ben, my Grande, now empty, is already going to someone. Glitter Grande flow could be called boring, but the contents work great in a small globe!

Has anyone tried a 40watt reflector bulb on the century's? To make up for the missing heat ring

I respectfully agree with you, Erin.

They obviously have a widespread problem with the Century.  With LL's resources, it should be very easy for them to duplicate the problem.  They have the expertise.  It's their product.  Acknowledge the problem, figure it out, and then after you figure it out, let your customer know what went wrong and what you are doing to correct it.  In the meantime, tell your customer your working on the problem, and you'll let them know when you have a solution.

Customer service 101.

Jim - I don't believe LL has asked for our assistance in troubleshooting the problem.  My sense is they aren't interested in solving the problem.  They are just moving inventory.

Erin said:

Yes, all of those details are important, but it should be THEM asking US for these details. My point was this: this is THEIR product and THEY should be the ones doing the trouble-shooting. If they don't have the right people asking the right questions, they won't get to the bottom of the issue. I see it as a problem that we're the experts. It seems like they should be the experts, right? It's their product and we have to be the one to gather and collect all this data for them, and they don't even think to ask for it, well, it's not something I want to mess with. 

To each their own. I think it's great if you want to help them out. But many of us were hoping these lamps would just be good to go right out of the box and are disappointed. 

I did ask for a refund on my Century and will seek it out if the bulb Susan sends doesn't work. We shouldn't have to troubleshoot (or send extensive data for) our own lamps when Neons from Spencer's work fine at half the cost. They should have sorted all this out before they shipped this Heritage line. I wanted to see the Heritage line succeed as much as you did, and was likely one of the first people to make a purchase. I spent over $300 on these lamps and I think we can all agree, I'm passionate about lava lamps. What I have no interest in is helping a company fix something they should have tested before their product hit the market. It's not like they've never made a lava lamp before. And it's not like they don't have engineers. 

Jim said:

Ummmm, I don't think I implied we would responsible for troubleshooting these ourselves.  I was just encouraging providing better feedback on our experiences with the lamp.

Gwen is a bit freaky in that she keeps her house at like 90 degrees in the winter.  Do you not think that aspect might be an important detail for the engineers to know in terms of how the lamp is misbehaving?

But by all means, if you want to cross your arms sit back and just say "fix it", then just cut your losses, save the aggravation and request a refund.  I suppose my plea went out to those of us excited by the Heritage line, with the chance that if they do well, we may see more added.   

Glad to be back! Bad for my checking account, though. I think lava, I buy lava.

Kirk said:

Glad you're back, Ben!

Ben said:

So after reading 67 pages, I ordered pink and green Grandes. I couldn't wait for Christmas (sorry, wife!) All this talk about the Centuries sounds exactly like my P/Y Colossus, which is collecting dust until I kit it. The red clear Colossus has been running for weeks (months?) and it is still gorgeous. It's getting cold outside again, so it's Lava season again at my house! (Lava auxilliary heating!)  I'll be back on OG much more often now. 

But anyway, I'm hoping for the best with these Grandes.  As for the rest of the Heritage line, I'll pass. I don't need to relive my Colossus headaches all over again.  

ROFLMAO!!!  "little mute lamps"...  Let's see how the flow is - if it's not good, (close your eyes, Libby) I'm opening her up!

Marley's Ghost said:

Kirk, I will cry bitter tears if you open up that blue glitter grande to use for refills.  I'll buy it from you as is!!!!  PLEASE don't do that!!!   LOL   Your little lamps have now gone "Mute."   ;-))
Kirk said:

THAT'S what I was hoping for, Jonas.  I have some empties that keep whispering softly, "fill me with glitter, fill me with glitter"

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

Sorry, Ben, my Grande, now empty, is already going to someone. Glitter Grande flow could be called boring, but the contents work great in a small globe!

They don't know as much about their product as you think they do. Think about it. I have talked with several of the people working at lava lite. The only ones that had a real grip on the product as Ashour, and then Dale. Dale only knew what he learned from Ashour and his own business sense. Almost everyone that was around in the 90's is gone and they took their experience with them when lava lite went to China. The ones that stayed are not the ones who made the lamps, but the ones who ran the business side. All of the people who worked with the formula are long gone. They probably don't even know how to make 90's era lamps anymore. It's like a bunch of bankers running a restaurant. They have good business sense, but they probably can't cook.

Here is a 100% honest opinion from me. Unless they bring back some old people, or hire some really good chemists they are done. Not done in the sense of going out of business, but they will never produce quality lamps again and I will never buy one of their products again.

Erin said:

It seems like they should be the experts, right? 

The problem is they did not watch the factories in China close enough. That was one of Dales big strong points. He was always on the factories and tried to bend them to his will if they would not work with him. This huge flop is an indication of a failure of the new CEO. My guess is he doesn't know how to do business in China.

Erin said:

They should have sorted all this out before they shipped this Heritage line. I wanted to see the Heritage line succeed as much as you did, and was likely one of the first people to make a purchase. 

EEEEKKKKKK, Kirk, eyes closed tight!!!    I'll only forgive you for that if you save me enough blue glitter liquid to re-fill one of my "invisible glitter" as in "eaten up" Wizzards.   LOL    
Kirk said:

ROFLMAO!!!  "little mute lamps"...  Let's see how the flow is - if it's not good, (close your eyes, Libby) I'm opening her up!

Marley's Ghost said:

Kirk, I will cry bitter tears if you open up that blue glitter grande to use for refills.  I'll buy it from you as is!!!!  PLEASE don't do that!!!   LOL   Your little lamps have now gone "Mute."   ;-))
Kirk said:

THAT'S what I was hoping for, Jonas.  I have some empties that keep whispering softly, "fill me with glitter, fill me with glitter"

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

Sorry, Ben, my Grande, now empty, is already going to someone. Glitter Grande flow could be called boring, but the contents work great in a small globe!

They have serious problems if they don't have any formula/product experts, Autumn.  Thanks for the insight.

Ever the optimist, I hope they get it fixed.

Autumn said:

They don't know as much about their product as you think they do. Think about it. I have talked with several of the people working at lava lite. The only ones that had a real grip on the product as Ashour, and then Dale. Dale only knew what he learned from Ashour and his own business sense. Almost everyone that was around in the 90's is gone and they took their experience with them when lava lite went to China. The ones that stayed are not the ones who made the lamps, but the ones who ran the business side. All of the people who worked with the formula are long gone. They probably don't even know how to make 90's era lamps anymore. It's like a bunch of bankers running a restaurant. They have good business sense, but they probably can't cook.

Here is a 100% honest opinion from me. Unless they bring back some old people, or hire some really good chemists they are done. Not done in the sense of going out of business, but they will never produce quality lamps again and I will never buy one of their products again.

Erin said:

It seems like they should be the experts, right? 

The problem is they did not watch the factories in China close enough. That was one of Dales big strong points. He was always on the factories and tried to bend them to his will if they would not work with him. This huge flop is an indication of a failure of the new CEO. My guess is he doesn't know how to do business in China.

Erin said:

They should have sorted all this out before they shipped this Heritage line. I wanted to see the Heritage line succeed as much as you did, and was likely one of the first people to make a purchase. 

If it comes to that, you have a deal. :>)

Marley's Ghost said:

EEEEKKKKKK, Kirk, eyes closed tight!!!    I'll only forgive you for that if you save me enough blue glitter liquid to re-fill one of my "invisible glitter" as in "eaten up" Wizzards.   LOL    
Kirk said:

ROFLMAO!!!  "little mute lamps"...  Let's see how the flow is - if it's not good, (close your eyes, Libby) I'm opening her up!

Marley's Ghost said:

Kirk, I will cry bitter tears if you open up that blue glitter grande to use for refills.  I'll buy it from you as is!!!!  PLEASE don't do that!!!   LOL   Your little lamps have now gone "Mute."   ;-))
Kirk said:

THAT'S what I was hoping for, Jonas.  I have some empties that keep whispering softly, "fill me with glitter, fill me with glitter"

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

Sorry, Ben, my Grande, now empty, is already going to someone. Glitter Grande flow could be called boring, but the contents work great in a small globe!

Yup, it's the goo head mantra!

Ben said:

I think lava, I buy lava.

I had a feeling you were going to say that, Bill.  I hope you're right.

Critter said:

If LL can make these Grande's with this quality they can do it with the smaller lamps too.

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