Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Thought i'd start a discussion about what you consider to be your ultimate lava/glitter/fibre bargain. Whether it be at a garage/car boot sale, on Ebay or something found at an old junk store let us know and make us jealous perhaps.

Mathmos Space Projector - Ebay buy it now $10.00/£5.00 anyone?? Snapped up a month or two back.

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I found a Coca-Cola Premiere Edition Polar Bear Base and Cap at Goodwill today for $12.00. It is only the base and cap, (no globe included, but I have several spares to use.) Not bad for that price. It is very heavy ceramic and it is numbered #83 of 10,000.

Nice one Dave, keep up the good work

I'm sure you'll be able to match up a suitable globe Manix

Nice one!
oh and you can tell that from ONE picture,

You must be the expert of mathmos products then, you will obviously know that its a rare lamp whatever the condition and £35 is still cheap for it.
well we will see when it arrives,
Lol, now that's what i call a haul of lampy lovlies. good find.
Mine - a BNIB purple/white silver aristocrat for $10.  No shipping as I found it at a flea market.  He wanted $15.... I (shamelessly) haggle.  Found a BNIB silver century the previous weekend, but someone swapped globes and the globe is horrendous (but a screw top).  $5 for that one.  The base is still wrapped in plastic and pristine.
about 3 weeks ago got a boxed lavabrand wave machine for £2 at a bootsale it was the orange one as well, sold it on ebay a week later for £160, a boxed millenuim telstar for £5, blue glitterball £2 at a jumble sale last year, 6 months ago i picked up a pair crestworth galaxy`s for a couple of quid, and not so long ago i got a gold telstar for a buy it now priceon ebay of £20, and the final bargain was also a buy it now on ebay, a boxed green and  red  flock astro for £40 for the pair, the cheapest i got a lunar for was £100, i did pick up a second lunar last year with two nose cones still in its box for £200
I got my Excalibur & a Grande last year for $25 through craigslist. the Grande is going to be Goo Kitted soon, I hope.
I got my first Grande for £10 off Gumtree and a nice jet bottel form a charity shop for free.

Some of my other super duper scores...


NIB Pumpkin Icon for $25

NIB Americana for $12.95

NIB Purple Wave for $19.99

Some of my scores include:

Peace Icon for $30.

Aztec for $20.

Aladdin base for $4.

Florence glitter for $17.

Fantasia Sunburst 4000 new in box $30.

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