Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Lava Lite's New Website & The NEW Heritage Collection


The new Heritage Collection will be available to buy 10/28

**Updated the Heritage Collection will be released today on LavaLite Website at 10am CST. Heres a sneak peak!

*** http://lavalamp.com/heritage-collection ***

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i did post a pic

yes i think its the 2.0 lower level of wax , and yes the bulb it right up by the globe ! kinda freaky . I love the black base and the lava embossing .

Sorry didn't see, lol thanks

Sucks that it cracked the globe.  But you should be able to save the contents for transplants.

Well we've been noticing some new grandes and calling them "2.0 grande" they only have one coil, the bulb sits about 1/2 inch closer to the globe and they have less wax. I kind of like the more wax on my other one, the newer one seems to be a litte more boring. It seems to only have enough wax for one or 2 big blobs or snakes at a time.. It also seems as if the wax is denser and even with the closer bulb it's still quite temp sensitive, it doesn't harden while flowing but it has only shot up small balls at times when the ac got to 70 or so.. Overall I still like my first one more, even though this one is 100% crystal clear and has no black dirt in the wax :/

Update : Both thawed out , checked em over from top to bottom ! Pink looks ok and put it on the stand , wont turn on tried the other bulb , nothing . I dont think the cold could damage it so must have been from the factory. Tried the base from the green box . BINGO ! we have light !

THe green has defects around the top , as if the glass was 'twisted' when it was made, in those defects there are 4 or 5 cracks that go all the way to the inside .

So 1 fully functional lamp out of all this actually is better than I thought I would have.

Susan emailed me today and thank God LL is so good with their customer service ! I will be getting a replacement !

That sounds good lala, my first gen pink is doing great flow wise but it is a tiny bit hazy compared to the 2.0 and also the wax on the first one is completely broken in and opaque with a great watermelon pink/red color which i love. Right now the "2.0" has been on for 5.5 hours at 75 room temp and its basically just shooting pebbles.. Im wondering if it just needs more break in but I thought with the bulb that close it would warm up like my regular silver grandes which are full flow within 5 hours at this room temp, either way it still looks beautiful once its going.

i can barely get my neon green grande to flow with it being soo cold here in the basement (~70F).  i just get one large column.  might try wrapping it in a towel this weekend because i want to see this dude flow!

I have no problems with the temp being too cold since I'm in Miami and the ac has to keep working to stay at 74 during the day, sometimes more on the 76F side so they usually get flowing without a problem, the 2.0 definitely has different flow but not radically, it's just not as cluttered and crazy at times since the globe was less wax, other than that the flow stretches and snakes in the same way as the first gen. I feel like the 2.0 runs with less power, once warmed up for 6+ hours it can be dimmed more than the first gen which likes to run full blast endlessly.

Can anyone give me the exact specs on the 40w reflector bulbs that are now shipping with the 52oz Heritage lamps?  I received a regular clear 40w appliance bulb, and all the wax melts, floats to the top, and then stays there.  Talked to Susan today, and she's shipped me out a reflector bulb.  I'm curious to know the specs, because there are many of them available at Home Depot from different manufacturers, in various diameters.

Once you have the reflector bulb installed that Lava Lite supplies, can the lamps run full blast, or do you need to dim them?

Hey mark, this is the EXACT bulb they send as a replacement.


Good luck. I still haven't received my replacement bulb. :(

Mark Koenig said:

Can anyone give me the exact specs on the 40w reflector bulbs that are now shipping with the 52oz Heritage lamps?  I received a regular clear 40w appliance bulb, and all the wax melts, floats to the top, and then stays there.  Talked to Susan today, and she's shipped me out a reflector bulb.  I'm curious to know the specs, because there are many of them available at Home Depot from different manufacturers, in various diameters.

Once you have the reflector bulb installed that Lava Lite supplies, can the lamps run full blast, or do you need to dim them?

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