Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Maybe it is just because we are in the midst of after Christmas clearances, but I'm seeing new Lava bargains in interesting places.  Here are a couple I've seen recently:

-Menards (home improvement stores):  Accent - $9.85, Classic - $7.69

-Gordman's (kind of a local TJ Maxx with more than just clothes):  Grande - $89.95, Accent - $9.99, Classic - $14.99, Nite Lites - $5.99, Clear View - $18.99, Premier - $20.99, Plasma - $29.95.  Designer - $18.99.  They had plenty of varied selection.  The Grande was mighty tempting but I don't know where I'd put it.

-Craigslist:  I am finding all kinds of bargains on CL.  I found a boxed Midnight for $2!

I haven't even visited the local Spencers Gifts but I've never seen them have much of a sale on anything.

One question regarding the Lava Nite Lites:  are they supposed to DO anything but light up?  I bought one and it lights up, but I thought it would have moving glitter in it or something but it is just a light.  It has fake lava blobs that are stagnant.  It looks nice and provides a good amount of light so I'm happy with it but I can't for the life of me figure out why it has fluid in it if it doesn't have a motion aspect to it.

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The night light just lights uo, though there is one available with glitter.

Yeah I looked them up on the LL site after I posted that.  I need to find one of those that projects a star on the wall.  The glitter ones look cool but all seem to be girlie colors.  Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just not a girl!

we had a silver one till the cat shoved it off a table

Naughty kitty!  I wish they made one like my old Century, gold base, red/yellow guts.  I need to poke around on ebay to find one of those keychains they used to make.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, I bought myself a Lava Plasma.  Not sure why but I had a $30 gift card burning a hole in my pocket and none of the lavas I saw seriously grabbed my attention (other than the Grande which I don't have room for).  If I ever get a real desk at work, I plan to take a few to work with me.  Might make getting through the day a little easier.

You can always run a lava globe on a Wizard base, and you would have just what you're looking for if you went with a yellow/red globe.

Rich C said:

Yeah I looked them up on the LL site after I posted that.  I need to find one of those that projects a star on the wall.  The glitter ones look cool but all seem to be girlie colors.  Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just not a girl!

I got my best lava bargain to date:  I picked up a new Classic at Menards with their current 14% discount thing and got a blue/green one for $6.61!  It is currently being tested to see if it is a keeper.  Well, it is actually slotted to be a gift but I don't want to give a gift that doesn't work!  I've given more lava as gifts than I've collected recently.

I hope tomorrow to break my record above on a Craigslist deal.  Just wish that person would call me and set up a meeting like she said she would.

Just called my Craigslist contact and set up a meetin' for tomorrow after work!  She even works for a business I've been trying to get into for years.  By this time tomorrow I should be home with a blue/white Midnight and have it warming up already!

That sub-$7 blue/green is humming along nicely.  These modern lamps like to make blobs more than columns, but I rather like that.  I guess I need to shut it down now so I can repackage it to take it to work with me tomorrow.

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