Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

A few days ago my sister went into the doctor to see just why her skin and eyes were turning yellow. Something is keeping her liver from filtering out something in her body. I forget what it is called.
After some tests were done they found she has Hepititis(SP?) and a colon infection. Then an x-ray revealed what the doctors thought may be a blockage, like a stone or something. When the results came back, it wasn't blockage but something that is pushing against her liver for some reason.
The doctors say there is a chance it could be cancer or something else.

This is why I ask for prayers from you. My sister is in the hospital right now waiting for a CAT scan that will be tomorrow at 7a.m. 6/23/08.

Please help me, my family and other friends pray that whatever is in her body is treatable. We are praying for a miracle.

Thank you all in advance for your prayers.
I'll update soon.


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Ok. Big Update.

The tumor could not be fully removed from my sister. The tumor was in a different area than expected. It is also in the pancreas. The blockage was removed and bypassed, but the tumor grew out and around a vital vein that she needs to live and if the doctor were to try and remove it and cut the vein she would have died on the table. So it was way too risky.

My sister is doing very well after the surgery and even when she was told the news she is still her bright self. She is not going to let this bring her down. The doctor said she is a strong person and it will help her alot in her recovery and there are options for treatment.

The news was a shock to us all. The doctor gives her 1 to 3 years to live. But we all believe in our hearts it will be much longer than that. My niece's pastors' wife told her to give Zona, (my sister) a message from the Lord himself "Zona will be healed by her own faith." And this confirms the feeling in my heart and soul as well as my mom. My sister is going to fight it and this miracle we all have been praying for will come to pass. She will be healed.

I thank you ALL for your prayers and thoughts! You are all great. Thank you.

Another update.
The doctor was NOT talking about my sisters' life span. He was telling us that it could be 1 year or 3 years before the tumor starts to grow if it does. That is good news in my ears.

My sister might get to come home tomorrow, 7/17/08, since she is doing so well. I'm sure she'll be happy to get to go home.

How's your sister, I hope she is getting much better, My thoughts are with you also

Hey, Jerome and Astrobaby.

My sister is doing well.
She has been home for a good while now.
the staples have been taken out where they cut her open.
I believe next week she is going in for an appointment with her doctor.
I imagine she will soon start her chemo therapy or whichever treatment the doctor thinks is best.

I appreciate your concern and your support.

The test results came back for my sister and she does have cancer.
The doctors give her 2 years to live.

I believe that Jesus has the last say so in this battle with cancer and a preacher's wife and the Bible say that she will be healed by her own faith.
The preachers' wife that said this is from a church one of my nieces attend. It is a message from God himself and I believe it no matter who else does or doesn't.
My mom was reading through the Bible and came across a scripture that basically said "She will be healed by her faith."

All your prayers, my family's prayers, my prayers, friends prayers are all going to be answered.

Thank you all so much for your support.
My sister will not die from cancer but overcome it and be a living miracle.

I'm so sorry to hear that news Will, i believe strongly in the ability of people to fight such things through their beliefs.
I know you and she will keep the faith. We will too and our thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister at this difficult time.

Lots and lots of people are diagnosed with this horrible disease every year and many pull through through a combination of healing, medcine, treatment, faith and prayers.

All the best to you both
Thank you all. We really appreciate this encouragement.

My sister has her first chemo appointment on Thursday. I hope it doesn't make her feel too sick. I know that is a side effect.

Through these prayers, treatments and positive attitudes she will be ok. It will just take time.

Thank you all once again.
You are all very, very kind.

Just to let everyone know. My sister is still doing well and her chemo treatments are going good. She does not have any ill effects from the medication which is good. She is just like her old self.

I thank you all for your support, concern and prayers.
They are all very much appreciated.

Thank you everyone!
Hope she gets through it well and lives a long healthy life!
My mum's friend has just been diagnosed with cancer for a second time! she is having a hard time with the kemo but we got her a wig so she still looks nice! hope she pulls through and the same with your sis!
Dave, I wish your mom's friend a complete recovery also. cancer is a terrible thing.
I'll send up some prayers for her.

Hi all.
Just letting everyone know my sister is still doing well.
she is going to be starting her radiation soon and is not looking forward to the side effects. They are worse than the chemo. I'll keep everyone informed still on her recovery.

All your supportive thoughts and prayers are appreciated. Thank you.


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